8:00am – Registration & Check In
8:45am – Welcome and Opening Statements
9:00am – Zero Waste Initiatives
Coca-Cola Consolidated and Maker’s Mark 
10:15am – Breakout Session I
11:15am – Breakout Session II
12:30pm – Keynote Speaker
Ouita Michel, Award-Winning Leader in Sustainable Restaurants 
1:45pm – Setting & Achieving SUSTAINABILITY Goals
Lexmark, Middleground Capital, and KPPC
3:00pm – Breakout Session III
4:00pm – Networking & Happy Hour 
Blue Stallion Brewery
BREAKOUT SESSION I: 10:15am – 11:00am 
Room 1, Classroom 109
Sustainable Distilling with Kevin Baldridge & Jared Bickel 
Room 2, Classroom 110
Water Education, Canopy Certification with Adam Watson
Room 3, Classroom 111
KY PACE with Chris Jones
Room 4, Classroom 112
Energy 101: Understanding Your Electric Bill & How to Lower It with Cameron Mott & Carrie Ray 


BREAKOUT SESSION II: 11:15am – 12:00pm 
Room 1, Classroom 109
Green Certifications: Lex for Good, Sustainability and LEED with Arin Arnold-Davis & David Abell 
Room 2, Classroom 110
Checklists for Each Stage of a Landscape’s Lifecycle with Dan Stever
Room 3, Classroom 111
The Stormwater Quality Incentive Grant Program with Frank Mabson
Room 4, Classroom 112
Energy 201: Beyond the Basics with Josh Bills 


BREAKOUT SESSION III: 3:00pm – 4:00pm
Room 1, Classroom 109
Green Certifications: The B-Corps Certification & The Canopy Certification with Emily Minner and Ben Smock
Room 2, Classroom 110
Emissions with Candice Rogers
Room 3, Classroom 111
Distilling a Solution for the Future with Sara Barnes 
Room 4, Classroom 112
Solar Opportunities, Grants, and Incentives for Agricultural and Commercial Businesses with Jeff Nazarko