Green Neighbor

What is the Green Neighbor program?

The goal of the Green Neighbor Certification Program is to encourage homeowners in Central Kentucky to participate in environmentally friendly practices in their own backyard by providing the resources and recognizing their efforts.

How does the certification work?

Participants complete action items under several categories, including water quality, lawn care, plant installation, wildlife, and community. These actions add up to create a lasting impact on communities in Central Kentucky by improving lawn health, reducing the amount of yard waste sent to landfills, providing habitat for native species, and reducing the amount of pollutants in the water.

Download the evaluation to see where you currently stand before filling out the online form »


Thanks to support from the City of Danville, the City of Georgetown and Scott County all homeowners in those communities who complete the Green Neighbor Evaluation Form and obtain a score* of 30 points or higher will receive a Green Neighbor digital certificate and *FREE* sign to proudly display in their yard to inspire your neighbors to do the same!

Complete the Green Neighbor Evaluation Form and get your yard sign while they last!

*You must complete and submit the form and get a score of 30 points to get a yard sign. The scorecard provides information and resources for participants to improve their score or recognition for their efforts with a points value for items they already practice at home. 

How can I apply to be a certified Green Neighbor?

Homeowners can apply by completing/submitting the form below. Once participants have completed enough actions to earn a minimum score of 30, they are eligible to receive a certificate. Certificates will be offered free of charge and emailed to recipients as a downloadable/printable PDF.

We also offer “Green Neighbor Certified” yard signs for purchase for $20.

Green Neighbor Certification Evaluation

Green Neighbor Certification Evaluation


The Green Neighbor evaluation is divided up into 5 sections:

  1. Water Quality & Conservation
  2. Lawn Care
  3. Plant Installation
  4. Wildlife
  5. Community/Other

Click the arrow next to each header to expand that section. Each section has a series of questions, each one with a points value in (green) below it as well as above the points entry box. Enter the points value for that question if that question is currently applicable for your household.

As you enter point values for each question, the grand total will tally as you go. If you do not enter the point value for a question, the box automatically defaults to zero (0) points. You need to have a minimum score of 30 points to obtain your Green Neighbor Certification.

After submitting your evaluation, you should receive a confirmation email with your Green Neighbor score and then another email with your Green Neighbor e-certificate within 3-5 business days!


Contact Info

** If your answer to any of the following questions is "no" or does not apply to you, enter the number zero (0) for the points value or the points box will default to zero points. **

1.) Water Quality & Conservation

2.) Lawn Care

3.) Plant Installation

4.) Wildlife

5.) Community/Other


Interested in sponsoring the Green Neighbor Certification Program?
Sponsorship opportunities and more info coming soon!