Rain Barrel Art Contest

Presented by: Toyota Motor Manufacturing Company



Rain Songs by Vicki Freeman

RAIN SONGS is the subject matter of my rain barrel. It is covered with 16 pictographs of songs so you can play a “name-that-tune” trivia game. The answers are on the back side. Big  hint: the barrell top is dedicated to Bob Dylan’s “Buckets of Rain”.
Catch you on the flip side everyone.


If you love it, let it go! by Jason Sturgill

This design is a whimsical reminder to find balance within our Modern, technology driven society with the natural environment that surrounds us.  It is easy to stay caught up searching the internet for the best deals or watching videos for countless hours.  This piece is about letting go of those devices from time to time and returning to the splendor of nature.  The piece starts with a young boy who is supposed to be camping but is watching his phone.  It then moves counter-clockwise as you see the device start to transform.  Eventually, the device morphs into a bird and lands into the hands of a young girl sitting on the river bank.

Artist Bio:

Jason Sturgill was born in Wise, Virginia.  The son of a coal miner and an independent business woman, both learned early on in their son’s life about his passion for art, as he liked to scribble and doodle on every surface he could find.   He attended college at Morehead State University in eastern Kentucky.  While attending MSU, he focused on drawing, graphic design, and printmaking.  He graduated from MSU in 2002 and accepted an art teaching position in the central Kentucky area.  During this tenure, Mr. Sturgill has completed his Master’s of Art degree in Education from MSU and has recently completed a second Master’s of Art from the University of Kentucky.  He is currently teaching classes in traditional and digital medias.  In addition, Mr. Sturgill has been working as an adjunct professor at Midway College as well as teaching with the University of Kentucky’s Fine Arts Institute.  Jason has been working on branching out of education into freelance, gallery, and publication work.  He is currently a member of Kentucky Crafted and The Kentucky Guild of Artists and Craftsmen. Jason is a juried exhibitor at St. James Art Fair, Tennessee Arts and Crafts, Summer Fair in Cincinnati, OH, and the Kentucky Market at Woodland. He resides in Lexington, KY with his wife and fellow educator, Alyssa.

Horse Day by Enrique Gonzalez