Bluegrass Green Force is more than a volunteer program. It is an opportunity for you to be trained on important environmental issues, lead stream clean-ups and storm-drain stenciling events, collaborate with our education and outreach staff, educate the community at community events, and implement your own ideas for greening Central Kentucky. There are volunteer opportunities in our Lexington office and on-site throughout our 19 county service region in Central Kentucky. To join the GreenForce, you must attend 4 of the 7 Green Force training sessions, including one Intro to BGGS session, and pass a background check. Click the button below to learn more about upcoming trainings!
We primarily serve a 20 county region surrounding Fayette County, Kentucky.

Bluegrass Greensource is always grateful for help distributing outreach materials, staffing community booths, and designing or translating informational displays. People ready and willing to get their hands dirty at reforestation events, community cleanups, and water quality testing are also appreciated! Whatever you want to do, we will find a way for you to volunteer.