Minglewood – Plastic Sucks


By Noel Osborn, Outreach Specialist, Bluegrass Greensource 

Five hundred million plastic drinking straws are used each day in the United States. That’s 182.5 billion straws each year. Because plastic straws are not recyclable, they eventually end up in our landfills, as litter on our streets, or clogging our streams and waterways.

One block of Lexington restaurants and bars is taking a big step to change that. Led by local restaurant and pending Green Check member, Minglewood, several venues along North Limestone are reversing that trend. Last month, Minglewood held a “Don’t Suck in January” campaign to encourage patrons to opt out of straw use.

Trish Tungate, owner and manager of Minglewood, estimates that they use about 50,000 straws in a single year. Joining Minglewood are two other downtown restaurants, Corta Lima and Oscar Diggs, who have also reduced straw use.  If all three locations adopted a “no straws” policy, an estimated 150,000 straws a year, or 750,000 in five, would be eliminated from our waste stream. With fellow block mate Sidebar going “upon request only” for straws, Tungate says theirs is the first block to make a collective effort to reduce the number of plastic straws being used in Lexington.

For those outside of the restaurant industry who are interested in expanding the no straws initiative, Jackie Nuñez, founder of The Last Plastic Straw, suggests encouraging the restaurant managers at your favorite eateries to serve straws only upon request and consider switching plastic straws to reusable or *compostable options. Nuñez also suggests leaving an info card with your bill. With straws in the top 10 items consistently polluting our environment, these behavior changes are an easy way to take a step in the right direction.

To learn more about the Green Check program and how your business can receive recognition for your efforts to increase sustainability, check out lexingtonky.gov/GreenCheck or contact Noel Osborn at noel@BgGreensource.org

*Please keep in mind that compostable options are almost completely ineffective in cities that do not have City serviced composting. Lexington is one of these cities, meaning that compostable straws, to-go boxes, and utensils are ineffective unless added to the compost bin at a private home or private business.


Seeking Help with Dog Waste at Your Apartment? We Have What You Need!

By: Chris Porter, Development Director, Bluegrass Greensource

Whether as a service animal or family pet, dogs are integral parts of our lives. With temperatures warming, dog owners will soon be re-emerging from their homes to get outside with their canine companions.

Today, many of Lexington’s apartment communities allow residents to have dogs. But if you manage or work at one of these many communities, you know that allowing dogs often means allowing some of the mess that dogs bring. In particular, you are likely familiar with the issues of dog waste on your property.

Uncollected dog waste is an eyesore and nuisance, but it is also an environmental issue. Each year, America’s 80 million-plus dogs produce more than 10 million pounds of waste. Given that 40% of dog owners do not pick up after their animals, it is no surprise that around 90% of the fecal bacteria found in our city streams is of non-human origin, mostly dog. Dog waste harbors harmful bacteria, viruses, and parasites, including e. coli, giardia, and salmonella, and in just three days, waste from 100 dogs can contribute enough bacteria, nitrogen, and phosphorous to close 20 miles of a bay-watershed to swimming and shellfishing. Reducing the amount of uncollected dog waste is both an aesthetic and a health issue.

Whether you want to address environmental issues on your property, or reduce the number of complaints about dog waste that you receive from your residents, Bluegrass Greensource and the City of Lexington can help you address these issues.

The City of Lexington has made available to Fayette County apartment communities free animal waste stations that you can access and install on your property. Each waste station comes with all parts needed for installation, as well as a supply of bags for the trash can and small bags residents can use to collect the waste before disposal. In addition, you will be able to work with Bluegrass Greensource outreach staff who will perform a brief review of your facility and recommend tangible steps – in addition to installation of animal waste stations – that you can take to reduce the amount of uncollected waste at your community.

If you would like to access these resources, please call Chris at 859.266.1572, or get in touch by email at chris@BgGreensource.org.


Be My GREEN Valentine this year

By: Danny Woolums, Environmental Educator, Bluegrass Greensource

Who knew that Valentine’s Day is right around the corner? Considering the overabundance of Easter décor already at the local Kroger, I had forgotten the day even existed! But whether you’re celebrating Galentine’s Day Leslie Knope-style, spending a romantic evening with your partner, or enjoying a special evening with a spoon and a pint of Ben and Jerry’s, there are a lot of ways that you can show your love of the Earth this February!

Consider a Hike through the Woods!
Hug some trees while hugging your partner this month, and check out some of the beautiful wilderness Kentucky has to offer. From the Dupree Nature Preserve in Garrard County to McConnell Springs in Lexington, there are many places you can visit on a date to stay outside and off of screens or using electricity. And, consider this post from Harvard Health reminding us of the tremendous health benefits to hiking!

Shut off the lights. Light up a candle.
Besides the obvious increase in romanticism that comes with food by candlelight, consider the energy savings as well. Shutting off the lights in your house and turning off the screens are great ways to get your body ready for bed while also being romantic and energy-saving. And once you head to bed, turn down the thermostat! Let the coolness over take your house while you find other ways to keep yourself warm… like an extra blanket.

Come Make Candles!
If you’re worried about all of the things in candles or about the environmental impacts of transporting them, then come and learn to make your own! Bluegrass Greensource will be hosting a candle-making workshop on February 10th,  right here at our office. Our candle-wizard, Kyle Hager, will teach you the ins and outs  of sustainable candle making, and you’ll be able to enjoy knowing exactly what’s in your candle. It’s a great date and a skill that you can use for years to come.

Eat Local!
Besides the incredible benefit that eating local provides to our local economy, remember the eco-benefit as well. Eating local means less carbon pollution from transporting meat from South America or shipping in your cheese from France. Consider the local vineyards for your evening wine selection! Try out Lexington Pasta for some local sauce and noodles! Check out Marksbury Farms for some local beef! Dive into Boone Creek Creamery for some delicious cheese! I basically just planned your dinner for you, and I didn’t even leave Central Kentucky to get my supplies. Many grocery or liquor stores do a great job of designating what’s local and some Farmer’s Markets have indoor seasons during the cold months.

It’s easy to shrug off Valentine’s Day as an over-commercialized gimmick to increase consumption. But, there’s never a bad reason to love ourselves and the people around us. Enjoy yourself this February and remember to love the Earth every day as well.


Thank You for Your Support

Thank YOU!

Each year, Greensource asks you to show your support of environmental education and outreach by making gifts to our fall fundraising campaign, and this year, you came through in a major way!

Thank you for helping to make our fall campaign such a huge success. Because of your support and that of our many friends throughout Central Kentucky, we were able to raise $5,175! This money is critical to our mission and will help us put our educators in more classrooms, while connecting our outreach staff with more adults and businesses seeking help with their sustainability goals.

This year, we are especially grateful for the generous support we received from our friends at Pivot BrewingBourbon N’ Toulouse restaurant, Lucia’s World EmporiumAlfalfa Restaurant, and Magic Beans Coffee Roasters. When we reached out to them, they all stepped up and were eager to support our efforts.

It is such a wonderful feeling to know that so many in our community have love and support for the work that we do – you are a huge part of what makes Central Kentucky such a great place to live and work. Thank you again, and we hope to see you out in the community in the coming weeks and months!


Increasing Recycling at the University of Kentucky

By: Ashley Bryant Cheney, Program Specialist/Volunteer Coordinator,
Bluegrass Greensource

Bluegrass Greensource is partnering with UK Recycling to increase student recycling participation in residence halls. With UK’s campus-wide recycling infrastructure growing, continued education is key for recycling participation, especially among residential students. Bluegrass Greensource has implemented recycling education in three residence halls on campus through promotional materials and a peer education program. Students in the residence halls have been recruited as “recyclingchampions” to promote and educate their peers about recycling. The recycling champions have passed out flyers, given away promotional materials, and are planning recycling-based residence hall programming.

Initial results are promising; waste audits in residence halls show an increase in recycling rates and a more accurate knowledge of what materials can be recycled. Education in the three residence halls will continue through the end of this semester, and two more waste audits will take place this semester to track the program’s effect on student recycling habits.


Farm to Fork Recap

By Amy Sohner, Executive Director, Bluegrass Greensource

On October 14th, the Nicholasville Farmers’ Market hosted its first annual Farm to Fork Dinner at the Jessamine County Fair Grounds in Nicholasville.  More than 100 people attended to help support the Farmers’ Market as well as the Jessamine County Food Bank and Bluegrass Greensource. 

The dinner was prepared and designed by Scott Anderson, Madison County Public School’s Food Service Director.  The menu included produce and beef from local producers, and was absolutely delicious! 

The live auction included items such as an artistic rain barrel, a basket of mixes donated by Wisenburger Mill, a print donated by Taylor Made Farm, and numerous items donated by the Farmers’ Market vendors. 

Bluegrass Greensource would like to thank the Nicholasville Farmers’ Market, the Jessamine County Extension service and Chef Scott Anderson for making the night such a success.  We can’t wait until next year!


Education Spotlight: Dupree Nature Reserve

By Kyle Hager, AmeriCorps VISTA Member

As an AmeriCorps VISTA member serving at Bluegrass Greensource, my primary duties often have me behind the scenes and in the office. But from time to time, I get to tag along with BGGS’ enthusiastic and capable environmental educators. These outings provide invaluable insights into the impact hands-on science education can have on young minds. My recent involvement in field trips to the Dupree Nature Preserve has reminded me of the importance of access to green spaces, to knowledgeable mentors, and to well-facilitated instruction. 

I got the opportunity to participate in a scavenger hunt activity in which I led groups of third and fourth grade students from Camp Dick and Nicholasville Elementary, along a trail through tall grass and forested area near the Kentucky River. Students were keen to observe and interact with real-life samples of plants, rocks, birds, mantises, and even spiders. Additionally, students were able to provide some of their own expertise, identifying tracks where animals such as deer had moved through the area, drawing on their own experiences with hiking and hunting.

Students also participated in miniature raft-building exercises, interacted with animal pelts and skulls, and learned about watersheds by creating their own in a pan. The teachers that accompanied the students on the field trips told me that this is one of their favorite outings of the year because it is often the only opportunity that many of the students get to access and learn about green spaces in a meaningful way. And the beautiful idea that struck me was that these students were not just going on yet another nature tour, but rather critically observing and interacting with their environment in a way that transcends a traditional classroom. Mushrooms growing on trees, the lay of the land, the flow of water, the buoyancy of a twig, all become powerful educational opportunities.

I’m grateful to have been a part of the Dupree Days activities, and to witness the curiosity and enthusiasm of young Kentucky students. It is my hope that BGGS and The Nature Conservancy can continue to provide educational programs like these in order to ensure that our young learners have purposeful learning opportunities outside the four walls of a classroom. And maybe I’ll get to escape the office and learn a thing or two myself!


Green Check Spotlight – Broomwagon Coffee + Bikes

By Noel Osborn, Outreach Specialist, Bluegrass Greensource

Last month the Green Check program held its annual recognition ceremony to honor newly certified members.  One of the newest members, Broomwagon Coffee + Bikes, has gone above and beyond in the area of waste reduction and recycling.  

A basic recycling program is required of all Green Check businesses.  However, Broomwagon has always looked for ways to reuse as many materials as possible. Take for example their outdoor seating area.  Along with picnic tables and a sustainability staple rain barrel, patrons may notice the garden that grows several ingredients used for delicious menu items.  These garden boxes and baseboards are constructed using recycled wood.  Broomwagon also uses recycled wood for kitchen and store shelving.  Additionally, the cases and furniture used to display items for sale are reused pieces. And of course, they recycle bicycle materials such as scrap metal and rubber tires.

For more information on Broomwagon and their leadership in sustainability check out the Green Check website here


Join Us For Family Volunteer Day and Win Two Tickets to Disney World!

By Ashley Bryant Cheney, Program Specialist/Volunteer Coordinator, Bluegrass Greensource

Bluegrass Greensource is proud to announce our participation in a global day of service for families.  Family Volunteer Day is a day of service that celebrates the power of families who work together to support their communities and neighborhoods.  Why do family volunteerism?  Volunteering instills in kids, teens, and parents a sense of community and togetherness.  It’s so important to give back to the community.  Volunteering is a great way for kids and adults to make new friends, develop compassion for their neighbors, and even pick up a new skill or two!

Bluegrass Greensource is hoping to recruit 75 volunteers to work together to improve an empty water quality lot at 862 Furlong Drive.  Projects for this event include planting 20 trees and shrubs, painting two storm drain murals, and conducting a neighborhood wide litter clean-up.  Family Volunteer Day will be held on Saturday, November 18th, from 1-3pm.   So, kick off the holiday season the weekend before Thanksgiving, with loved ones and an act of volunteerism with Bluegrass Greensource.

Family Volunteer Day is brought to you by generationOn and Disney. As part of this event, Bluegrass Greensource will be giving away two Disney World Park Hopper tickets – one entry per volunteer. To enter, pre-register for the volunteer event by clicking here, and then show up on November 18th to volunteer.

Don’t forget to bring your family!



Teacher Spotlight: Ms. Emily Manier: 4th and 5th Grade Science Teacher at Crab Orchard Elementary

By Deb Larkin, Environmental Educator, Bluegrass Greensource 

Emily Manier grew up near Crab Orchard, KY.  She attended Crab Orchard Elementary from Kindergarten through 8th grade.  Her goal, from the time she realized that she wanted to teach, was to come back and teach at her alma mater, her “home” school.  Her teachers there had inspired her, and after graduating from Berea College, she came back.  She has always loved the friendly, welcoming atmosphere and the compassion shown the children at the school.  “The school is just small enough that you get to know the students well even before they get to your grade level”, she says.  All three of her own children have now graduated from 5th Grade at Crab Orchard Elementary.

She feels that the “Leader in Me” and “Crayons to College” programs, as well as partnerships with outside organizations like 4-H and Bluegrass GreenSource, help their students branch out and find the leadership qualities that make them successful.  She says that “these wonderful resources allow our students to learn, broaden their perspectives, and be active in their community.” 

Ms. Manier has worked with Bluegrass GreenSource for the last 8 years of her 18 years teaching at Crab Orchard Elementary.  I have worked with her Science classes for 7 of those years, with monthly classes focused on Recycling (she sponsors the Recycling Team), Litter Abatement (her students do an annual litter clean up of the school grounds) and Water Quality.  This year her classes will also be participating in BGGS’s DEDI and Toyota Energy programs.  Working with Ms. Manier and her students is a highlight of each month for me.   They exemplify the “friendly, welcoming atmosphere” and an excitement about learning that keep me looking forward to returning.  Ms. Manier is carrying on the tradition as an inspiration for her students.