Seeking Help with Dog Waste at Your Apartment? We Have What You Need!
By: Chris Porter, Development Director, Bluegrass Greensource
Whether as a service animal or family pet, dogs are integral parts of our lives. With temperatures warming, dog owners will soon be re-emerging from their homes to get outside with their canine companions.
Today, many of Lexington’s apartment communities allow residents to have dogs. But if you manage or work at one of these many communities, you know that allowing dogs often means allowing some of the mess that dogs bring. In particular, you are likely familiar with the issues of dog waste on your property.
Uncollected dog waste is an eyesore and nuisance, but it is also an environmental issue. Each year, America’s 80 million-plus dogs produce more than 10 million pounds of waste. Given that 40% of dog owners do not pick up after their animals, it is no surprise that around 90% of the fecal bacteria found in our city streams is of non-human origin, mostly dog. Dog waste harbors harmful bacteria, viruses, and parasites, including e. coli, giardia, and salmonella, and in just three days, waste from 100 dogs can contribute enough bacteria, nitrogen, and phosphorous to close 20 miles of a bay-watershed to swimming and shellfishing. Reducing the amount of uncollected dog waste is both an aesthetic and a health issue.
Whether you want to address environmental issues on your property, or reduce the number of complaints about dog waste that you receive from your residents, Bluegrass Greensource and the City of Lexington can help you address these issues.
The City of Lexington has made available to Fayette County apartment communities free animal waste stations that you can access and install on your property. Each waste station comes with all parts needed for installation, as well as a supply of bags for the trash can and small bags residents can use to collect the waste before disposal. In addition, you will be able to work with Bluegrass Greensource outreach staff who will perform a brief review of your facility and recommend tangible steps – in addition to installation of animal waste stations – that you can take to reduce the amount of uncollected waste at your community.
If you would like to access these resources, please call Chris at 859.266.1572, or get in touch by email at