Going to the Source: Helping Central Kentuckians Understand the Basis of Their Energy Supply
There has been much in the news about energy issues, such as “clean coal” and mountain top removal mining. We will continue to educate Kentucky’s students about this important topic for their future, teaching them about both the positive and negative aspects of using coal. As future leaders, today’s students need to be knowledgeable so they can make informed decisions in their lives today and in the future.
Greensource’s environmental educators will work with 25 teachers to teach a series of experiential classroom activities, each aligned to Kentucky’s Core Academic Standards (KCAS). These activities will help students learn about coal’s role in the economies of Kentucky and the nation, the historical and cultural aspects of coal production, and the environmental challenges related to the production and use of coal. The activities will also enable students to explore the feasibility of alternative energy resources and their role in meeting the energy needs of Kentucky and the nation and the importance of conservation and energy efficiency in offsetting the rising demands of energy in KY.
A minimum of four classroom activities will be conducted for each participating teacher’s classes. Topics for these activities include alternative energy sources and the impacts of coal on Kentucky’s culture, economy, and environment.
Program Highlights:
The program consists of two components:
All participating Classrooms:
Experiential education in classrooms – Four classroom lessons aligned to KY educational standards
Elementary School Classrooms:
Field trip for students to coal and/or energy facilities
Middle and High School Classrooms:
Energy discussion and job fair to be held at Transylvania University in May 2015
For more information about this FREE Educational opportunity contact:
Pattie Stivender, Education Coordinator
Phone: 859-266-1572
E-mail: pattie@bggreensource.org
Funding for this program is provided by the Department for Energy Development and Independence.