Over 60 Lexington Schools Recognized for Sustainability Efforts
Bluegrass Greensource joined forces with the Bluegrass Youth Sustainability Council, Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government, Kentucky Green and Healthy Schools, and the National Energy Education Development project (NEED) to award Fayette County Schools for their participation as LiveGreenLexington School Partners and to honor their commitment to other sustainability programs. Over 60 schools received awards for their efforts in recycling, water quality improvement, and energy conservation.
The keynote address was delivered by musician Ben Sollee, a native of Lexington and a graduate of Lafayette High School. Mr. Sollee is known not only for his innovative playing style, but also for his environmental endeavors. Ben often travels to his performances by bicycle, therefore reducing his carbon footprint by not using an automobile. His address was an interesting mixture of speech and music.
Above: Ben Sollee
Susan Plueger, Director of the LFUCG Division of Environmental Policy, also addressed the students. She summed up the goal of the LiveGreenLexington School Partners program with the comment “It’s all about taking responsibility to do the right thing. We have to teach each upcoming generation how to take care of our land, air, and water.”
In addition to schools, student groups were recognized for their outstanding commitments to sustainability. Montessori Middle School of Kentucky was recognized for its volunteer efforts – students Asha Ari, Cece Banks, and Nell Adkins volunteered monthly for Bluegrass Greensource performing tasks such as testing water quality, organizing books, and stuffing folders.
Above: Montessori Middle School Volunteers of the Year
The Bluegrass Youth Sustainability Council was recognized for Outstanding Environmental Stewardship. Council members placed recycling receptacles at high school stadiums, painted eco-art on storm drains to raise awareness, and conducted energy audits in schools. They also planned and organized the Earth Day Celebration which included the sustainability fair and the award ceremony. The sustainability fair, held before the award ceremony, included local vendors and community organization booths with information about green efforts in Fayette County. Good Foods Market and Café provided guests with locally grown and produced refreshments.
Above: Marie Armbruster of the BYSC
Click here for more photos from the event.