Bluegrass Greensource To Host Its Second Community Forum
On October 24th, Bluegrass Greensource hosted its first-ever community forum at Henry Clay High School in Lexington. This forum touched on local recycling efforts as well as international shifts in the industry. Panelists from the Lexington Division of Waste Management, Republic Services, the University of Kentucky, Fayette County Public Schools, and Live Green Lexington came to discuss and address major concerns regarding recycling efforts following China’s ban on imported plastic earlier this year.
The engaged community members who joined in the discussion showed enthusiasm after the forum. One attendee noted that, “Attending the forum and hearing from our leaders in recycling made [them] feel really good about our community.”
After receiving a positive response from the October forum, Bluegrass Greensource is hosting its 2nd Community Forum on December 12th from 6-8pm at Lexington’s Central Library Branch. Due to overwhelming response following our first Forum, this conversation will focus on local composting efforts including food waste composting. Food waste and other organic materials make up more than 30% of our waste stream. Local experts from the City of Lexington, University of Kentucky, Franklin County Fiscal Court, Creech Services, Seedleaf and Glean KY have been invited, and will speak about their current efforts, the challenges they face, and the opportunities to reduce landfill waste in the future.
If you are interested in joining in our discussion of composting, click here to register. The event is free to attend.