Best Wishes for a Sustainable New Year!
By: Amy Sohner
Bluegrass Greensource
Executive Director
We have realized for a long time that many people make resolutions that they never can keep. I am guilty of that myself. As an example, I finally renewed my passport, a resolution I made five years ago!
Almost since our inception, Bluegrass Greensource has encouraged Central Kentuckians to think about New Year’s Resolutions differently. Instead of thinking only about personal goals, i.e losing weight, sleeping more, renewing your passport etc., we encourage resolutions that will have, collectively, a big impact on our local environment.
Our resolutions this year are to:
Make my home more energy efficient
Conserve water at my home or office
Improve my recycling
Ride my bike more
Start or improve my compost practices
Get outside more
In addition to offering an alternative to the regular resolutions, Bluegrass Greensource understands that committing to something publically increases its chances of success. By submitting your environmental goals to Bluegrass Greensource, you will be much more likely to actually accomplish them.
Since our mission is to empower the citizens to create a sustainable environment, we also want to know what you are striving to do and learn. By participating in the resolution program, we are alerted to what the needs are in our community, and can target programming to meet those needs.
And finally, as an incentive to participate in the resolution program, we have a drawing to award a $100 gift card! In my opinion, the part of the incentive that makes this great is that the gift card is tailored to what you resolve to do in 2017. If you choose to improve home composting, you can use your winnings to buy a home composting system. If you resolve to ride your bike more, you can use the money to buy a bike. We hope that the incentive will not only help you commit, but help break down any barriers that are preventing you from being successful.
Each year, we receive many resolutions, and I hope that we can empower you to make 2017 your greenest year yet!