RobBy: Rob Gates
Outreach Specialist
Bluegrass Greensource

Beginning fall of 2016, a new program aimed at increasing business sustainability will launch throughout Lexington and Fayette County. The program, known as Green Check, will build upon the past successes of the Live Green Lexington Partner Program by highlighting businesses and organizations throughout Lexington/Fayette County that have made a commitment to sustainability and taken the next steps to integrate green principles into their core philosophies and practices.

Green-Check-Offical-Vertical-for-WebGreen Check is a program of the City of Lexington, developed and administered by Bluegrass Greensource, and is open to all businesses and organizations, regardless of size or type, within Fayette County.  Taking part in the program is simple, free and offers a wealth of benefits to members. Perspective members undergo a personal consultation with Bluegrass Greensource staff to complete a comprehensive sustainability scorecard covering a wide array of sustainable initiatives and policies. Through this process, members identify green initiatives already in place as well as recognize potential opportunities to increase sustainability. Members then work closely with Bluegrass Greensource to set goals, timelines, and identify useful resources to make these opportunities a reality.

After completing the process and accomplishing a baseline score, participating businesses/organizations enter the program as Green Check Members. Those that go above and beyond and reach established benchmark scores will be recognized for their efforts with special premiere membership levels (Bronze, Silver, and Gold) and will be entitled to additional promotion and benefits.

Over the past year, eight businesses of various types and sizes have take part in the Green Check Pilot program. These businesses (Ross Tarrant Architects, Trane, Lexmark, Good Foods Co-Op, Bullhorn Creative, and Habitat for Humanity) have helped shape the program and will represent the inaugural class of Green Check Members.

An official launch party will be held at Ross Tarrant Architects on Thursday, September 29 at 3:30 pm to recognize these pilot businesses and celebrate the launch of this exciting new program! For more information, please contact