November Newsletter 2014
Support Greensource in Annual GoodGiving Guide Challenge
Greensource is participating in the annual GoodGiving Guide Challenge, and every donation gets us closer to our goal! Learn more about the Challenge, how to donate, and a unique partnership with West Sixth Brewing.
Dupree Outdoor Days Connect Garrard and Jessamine County Students to Nature
In October, Greensource provided 400 area students with an outdoor learning experience at Dupree Nature Preserve. Click here for more information and photos from Dupree Outdoor Days!
We’ve Moved!
Our new office is located at 835 National Avenue, Lexington, KY 40502 (behind Kentucky Mudworks and CrossFit Maximus). Stop by and see our new space!
Career Fairs Introduce Local Students to Green Job Opportunities
Bluegrass Greensource recently hosted three career fairs in central Kentucky, providing more than 1,200 students with access to basic green jobs information and to businesses and colleges that offer green career opportunities, education, and/or training. Find out how to get involved in next year’s event here.
Greensource Board Welcomes Greg Butler
Bluegrass Greensource extends a warm welcome to the newest member of our board, Greg Butler of Republic Services. Greg has worked with local governments in four states on a variety of projects such as food security, strategic planning, and waste management. Learn more about Greg here.
Join Us for Green Groups in December
The next quarterly Green Groups meeting will be held on Friday, December 5th at 9:30am at McConnell Springs in Lexington. Our featured speaker will be Jessica Ballard of Greenhouse 17. Green Groups meetings are open to any central Kentucky organization wishing to collaborate with like-minded groups interested in our local environment. Click here or contact Sandy for more information.
Donor Spotlight
Bluegrass Greensource thanks the following donors for their generous contributions: Ashland Inc. and Republic Services.
Check out our Events Calendar to learn more about upcoming green events in your community! Submit your organization’s green event here.