Save Water and Money With These Low and No Cost Conservation Tips!
If you’re looking to make your home more sustainable, re-evaluating your residential water use is a great place to start. Saving water at home can help you save some serious cash. Here are 5 tips to help you get started!
1. Be on the lookout for lost water.
This one is easier than it sounds. Drop an ice cube on the floor? Toss it in a house plant or pet water bowl instead of the sink! Rinsing your razor in running water while shaving? Try filling the basin with water and using it to rinse, instead! Being water-aware will help you find a variety of ways to conserve water at home.
2. Check your home for leaks.
Did you know that a leaking faucet that loses one drop per second wastes over 3,000 gallons per year? Even worse, a running toilet can lose up to 200 gallons per day! Thankfully, this is a pretty easy fix. Most repairs are inexpensive and can be done in just a few minutes. Taking the time to repair leaks in your home can save you a lot of money in the long run and certainly helps out the environment as well.
3. Turn the water off when not in use.
Your mother knew what she was doing when she told you to turn the water off while you brush your teeth. By closing off the tap while you polish those pearly whites, you can save between three and five gallons a day. That’s roughly two thousand gallons per year! Looking to save even more? Try turning off the shower head while you lather your hair and you’ll save an additional 150 gallons per month!
4. Put a plastic bottle in your toilet tank.
That may sound crazy, but bear with me. By filling a plastic bottle with a combination of sand and water and placing it in your toilet tank – safely away from the mechanics, of course – you can displace water in the tank. This reduces how much water remains in the tank at any given time and how much water is used when flushing. You’ll save money and water with each flush! (Be sure that you leave at least 3 gallons of water in the tank to ensure proper flushing.)
5. Avoid your garbage disposal.
In-sink garbage disposals require a lot of water to function properly and add to the volume of solid wastes in septic systems. Instead, start your own compost bin! You’ll save water and have home-made fertilizer for use in your garden!