Wanted: Educators to Check Out our Buckets!
Bluegrass Greensource has a vast library of buckets available for check out through our office. Perhaps you want to teach about animals, camouflage and nocturnal vs. diurnal. Our Animal Pelts bucket would be perfect for that! That bucket includes native animal pelts from central Kentucky, such as beavers, white-tailed deer, and grey squirrels.
Another popular resource library item is the Soils bucket, which is designed to introduce students to soil science and to investigate the characteristics of soil in a given place. Activities in this bucket examine various aspects of soil quality from nutrient composition to plant presence. Finally, soil testing tools from this bucket allow students to explore soils firsthand.
All the buckets are available for check out for up to two weeks. If you are interested, contact Michelle at michelle@bgGreensource.org or (859) 266-1572.