Bluegrass Greensource (BGGS) staff is gearing up for a fantastic year of Environmental Education in the Bluegrass. We will continue to have many of the same excellent Environmental Education programs for preschool – 12th-grade.

Here are a few highlighted programs for the start of the 22/23 year!

Creek Day

    • Creek Day is continuing for Fayette County schools. BGGS will organize and facilitate activities on campus; we will discuss watersheds, water quality, and aquatic and streamside habitats. Limited spots are available, so if you have a stream on campus and are interested, please sign up with your BGGS Environmental Educator soon.

Preschool Programs

    • Junior Nature Explorers and Junior Energy Explorers engage preschool students in scientific discovery, guided by BGGS educators! Students explore regional plants and animals in the Junior Nature Explorers program–focusing on local freshwater ecosystems this year. The Junior Energy Explorers program invites students to investigate the power of the sun, wind, and water. 

Outdoor Classroom Consultations

    • New to BGGS, we are offering Outdoor Classroom consultations to FCPS. There is a minimal fee associated with the program. We can provide various services through this consultation, including organizational planning, native garden support, and curriculum training. 

Resource Library 

    • The Resource Library allows teachers and community members to check out Environmental Education Kits for classroom enhancement of various topics. Check out the kit topics available at this link, Resource Library.

If you’re interested in having one of our educators visit your classroom or just want to learn more about our programming, fill out an Interest Form or email