With a lot of businesses having to decrease their workload in this time of crisis, the Bluegrass Greensource staff feels incredibly lucky that we are able to stay busy while working from home. Keep reading to find out how we’re staying busy and relevant during COVID-19.
Amy: “I have been working on Strategic Planning with the board, managing our new online programming and planning for next year, and will start planning next year’s budget soon! I have also made a beeswax wrap video for BGGS’s social media.”
Chris: “During the pandemic, I have been busy sending out a fundraising mailing, as well as working with my colleague Giulia to submit multiple grant applications to local funders. I have also been having fun making educational videos and working to prepare a new series of home energy efficiency workshops for the winter of 2021.”
Danny: “The last month has put me in front of a screen more than I ever thought I’d see. From watching videos to edit to developing a Waste Management website, this month has definitely taken a toll on my eyes. I’ve been really excited about the innovative ways that we are coming up with new content to share with people at home, including our new video workshops on our Facebook page! I’m almost giving myself an entire facial using different products I have around the house and then showing our viewers how they can do it too!”
Deb: “Over the last two months I have developed a Riparian Buffer Workshop, to certify teachers at Hustonville Elementary School through Project WILD Aquatic and Project WET. I also shared Watershed and Water Quality Videos with teacher contacts in Boyle and Lincoln counties and the Jr. Nature Explorers – At Home website with preschool teacher contacts in Fayette and Garrard counties. I am currently developing new recycling activities for all age groups in Garrard and Lincoln counties and revising the Recycling Flyer for those counties.”
Giulia: “Since quarantine began, I’ve had to shift my focus from the spring events to BGGS social media. Scheduling and occasionally filming our social media content has been my primary focus, but I’m also helping plan Green Force and our Water Webinar Series this month. I’m still staying busy coordinating our four Action Teams, who continue to meet virtually, and helping a little bit with grant applications when needed.”
Kara: “Since April, I have been very busy staying healthy at home. I participated in creating and filming a video series for the Live Green Lexington Schools program. I have also begun learning how to more efficiently utilize google drive. Google meetings have been a big part of my days, and I am currently finishing work on a Google Site, Coal Education, with online information and activities about coal and electricity. I’ve made several educational videos for our social media, and am planning on hosting a webinar about rain gardens, and have been planting and planning a BGGS shared community garden.”
Lindsie: “Lindsie has been working to keep our water quality improvement projects rolling in the Clarks Run, Hanging Fork, and Hinkston Creek watersheds, including preparing riparian buffer sites for spring maintenance, managing our septic repair and pump out projects, and keeping our watershed stakeholders up-to-date on watershed happenings. She is anxious to get out this summer and continue connecting our communities with water quality resources and education opportunities! Check out Water Wednesdays on our Facebook page for your weekly water tidbits and DIY activities.”
Maxine: “I am doing reports, preparing invoices, working on matches for the grants that require it, and doing budgets.”
Noel: “I have been focusing on wrapping up the EcoReps program with UK Recycling and planning for next year. Green Check has been centered on assisting businesses that have the time and ability to continue working on certification. Keep the Bluegrass Beautiful has been completing the annual Community Litter Index and working on plans for post quarantine.”
Pattie: “Our education staff has learned many new things in the past two months. I’ve discovered that there are a multitude of ways to meet virtually! Making our way from classroom instruction to online education has been challenging and exciting. We have begun work on a digital library with books about litter, reusing materials, and stormdrain systems. I’m also having fun learning how to make animated videos to educate about recycling. My favorite curriculum I have developed is a thematic unit for water quality education: What’s a Watershed?, Stormwater Runoff, and Protecting Our Watersheds.”
Rachel: “After creating the Junior Nature Explorers – at home! site, I have had a few video classes with some of our Junior Nature Explorers, created some videos for social media and a virtual Stream Walk Video, and helped create and demo water quality hands-on activities. I am currently collaborating with Pattie on some digital resources to help some of our younger students learn about litter through hands-on explorations and a digital children’s book that follows a plastic bag as it gets blown and washed through different ecosystems.”
Rebecca: “I have mostly been focusing on monthly invoicing and tracking the funds that we received from the CARES Act.”
Sophia: “Trying to keep up with the demand for online content, I have been creating an array of videos and graphics to share! This includes a water quality testing video at Coldstream Park, a sustainability Earth Day assessment, social media graphics, recycling education content for Jessamine County, and worksheets for younger students to do at home. I am hopeful that soon I will be able to update and refresh lessons we have at Bluegrass Greensource. In the meantime, I am optimistic that the list of contacts I was able to put together in Scott County + Danville will be able to reach a broader audience to tune into our water webinars on Sustainable Lawn Care, Riparian Buffers, and Rain Gardens.”