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Small Changes, Big Impact: Earth Day 2024

In honor of Earth Day 2024 we are sharing tips on how to make small changes with a big impact around your home. For more ideas on getting involved in sustainability efforts, check out the What You Can Do header above!  

Small Changes, Big Impact: Holiday Edition!

It’s no secret that the holidays can be a time for excess, but they don’t have to be! In fact, with a little effort, you can make your gift giving and decorating not only purposeful, but also waste-free. Check out these simple tips to celebrate the holiday season more sustainably: Traditional wrapping paper cannot be…

All Things Energy: Students Investigate the Science of Energy Through Interactive Lessons

Cookie mining is a fun and interactiveway for students to learn about the environmental impacts of mining. Through this activity, students can gain a deeper understanding of how mining can harm the environment and explore ways to minimize those impacts. Solar Ovens: Students channel the sun’s energy to heat up solar ovens and make a…

Vote for us on Target Circle!

Fayette County Public School Celebrate Tree Week 2023!


Fall Fun Activities

Check out these ideas for ways to enjoy the great outdoors this fall!


Renewable energy is available even if you don’t have your own renewable energy source like solar panels. Fifteen of Kentucky’s Touchstone Energy Cooperatives offer their owner-members the opportunity to support solar, wind, biomass, and hydro electric energy sources by simply participating in the envirowatts program. The envirowatts program allows owner-members to buy renewable energy in…

Cooperative Solar Farm One*

Homeowners and business owners who have sustainability goals to lower their carbon footprint or want to save money on their monthly energy bills have been Investing in solar energy for years. Solar is a clean, affordable way to produce energy using only the power of the sun. Putting a solar array on a home or…

Who Powers You (and your community)?*

Kentucky’s Touchstone Energy Cooperatives’ Who Powers You contest is back for 2023, and now is the time to think about who powers your community. You can nominate someone who plays a vital role in your community by going to If you know of someone who’s making a positive impact on the environment in their…

Energy Efficiency Programs

Whether it’s keeping more of the hot or cold air out, or keeping more of the comfortable temps in, one of the easiest ways to save money on your electric bill each month is by using less energy. And Kentucky’s Touchstone Energy Cooperatives have energy efficiency programs that can help. Major upgrades to your home…

Education Spotlight: Watershed Education in the Bluegrass

Community Watershed Education programs are something Bluegrass Greensource (BGGS) knows how to implement. We work with many communities throughout Central Kentucky to teach youth and adult programs about the importance of good water quality. For the past few years, BGGS has worked on a youth watershed education program with an artistic outcome. Through our partnerships…

Education Spotlight: Mary G. Hogsett Wins Green Ribbon Schools Award

We are thrilled to spotlight Mary G. Hogsett Primary School this month! They recently were recognized as one of the 2023 U.S. Department of Education Green Ribbon Schools award honorees for their work to reduce campus impacts, improve health and wellness, and integrate environmental education! Hogsett’s primary students are immersed in thematic units on birds…

Get ready for Lexington Water Week – March 18-25 with Our Resource Library!

Lexington Water Week is right around the corner and we have an entire Resource Library available for checkout so you can bring water education to your classroom or home! With over 90,000 miles of surface rivers and streams in Kentucky, there is so much to learn about our water systems, the importance of those systems…

Creating Environmental Solutions Using STEM

Students at Garrard County Middle School have been studying the problem of floating plastic litter getting into our water.  The force of gravity and flowing stormwater can pull pollution, like litter, into our local waterways. The debris follows the path of the creeks and rivers and eventually empties into the ocean. Our educator, Kara Sayles,…

Saving Energy and Saving Money with Co-ops

The following article is sponsored content by Kentucky's Touchstone Energy Cooperatives. Whether it’s keeping more of the hot or cold air out, or keeping more of the comfortable temps in, one of the easiest ways to save money on your electric bill each month is by using less energy. And Kentucky’s Touchstone Energy Cooperatives have…

Staff Spotlight: Staff Members Recognized for Their Achievements

Rachel Patton, Environmental Educator 2022 M.K. Dickerson Outstanding Educator Award Since beginning at BGGS, Rachel has developed a robust preschool education program. First through the development of the Junior Nature Program (JNE) and then expanded with the development of the Junior Energy Explorers Program (JEE). This past year, across Central Kentucky Rachel led education in…

Environmental Educators attend KAEE 46th Annual Conference

Our education team recently attended the Kentucky Association for Environmental Education 46th annual conference in Berea, where we enjoyed time to learn, reflect, and (re)connect with other environmental educators. We were excited to lead a curriculum training and to present on our work developing and facilitating the Junior Energy Explorers program, funded by Kentucky's Office…

Reshaping the World Around Them: Students Participate in Riparian Buffer Program

Throughout Central Kentucky, Bluegrass Greensource (BGGS) empowers students to help shape the world around them. No better example is that of the Riparian Buffer Program BGGS helps facilitate from the Kentucky Division of Water. Several of our regional partners have participated in the program and are starting to see the results of their efforts. Bourbon…

Farmer to Farmer Field Day at Hinkston Creek

On November 12th BGGS held the Farmer to Farmer Field Day event in Millersburg KY, which is part of The Licking River Basin. This event was in partnership with UK College of Agriculture, Food & Environment Cooperative Extension Service and the Bourbon County Conservation.  BGGS staff was on hand to answer questions and present about…

Education Spotlight: “Wonders of Wind” Teacher Workshop

We continue to be "blown away" by the amazing classroom teachers out there! This month, 18 teachers from many schools in our service region joined us for a STEM-based preschool curriculum training focused on wind energy. We had a blast investigating the power of wind in a wind tunnel, wind-dispersed seeds, ways to measure the…

Who Powers You (and your community)?

The following article is sponsored content by Kentucky's Touchstone Energy Cooperatives. Kentucky's Touchstone Energy Cooperatives' Who Powers You contest is back for 2022, and now is the time to think about who powers your community. You can nominate someone who plays a vital role in your community by going to If you know of…

Cooperative Solar Farm One: Affordable, hassle-free access to solar energy at home

The idea of someone else maintaining the solar panels was very attractive to us. This is much more efficient than everyone trying to figure this out on their own.Guy Huelat, Cooperative Solar customer The following article is sponsored content by Kentucky's Touchstone Energy Cooperatives COOPERATIVE SOLAR program. Homeowners and business owners who have sustainability goals…

Education Spotlight: Eastern Elementary Litter Cleanup

This has been a busy fall with students learning about human impact on water quality and how our actions can improve that quality. Students at Eastern Elementary in Scott County began their unit on water quality with a litter cleanup of their school campus. It was an eye opening experience! They found 734 pieces of…

$500 for homeowners in Fayette County for planting projects!

Did you know that we have mini-grants available for Fayette County residents up to $500 for planting a rain garden or riparian buffer at your home? WHO CAN APPLY? Homeowners in Fayette County with a backyard stream will be encouraged to participate in the riparian buffer program, while those that are interested in water quality…

Offset your carbon footprint with envirowatts!

The following article is sponsored content by Kentucky's Touchstone Energy Cooperatives. Renewable energy is available even if you don’t have your own renewable energy source like solar panels. Fifteen of Kentucky’s Touchstone Energy Cooperatives offer their owner-members the opportunity to support solar, wind, biomass, and hydro electric energy sources by simply participating in the envirowatts…

Electric vehicles signal the future is now

The following article is sponsored content by Kentucky's Touchstone Energy Cooperatives. A year ago, seeing a Tesla or any other electric vehicle was a rarity. But not any longer. Electric vehicles (EVs) are no longer a rarity on the roads, and the reasons are simple: they’re much cheaper to fuel than combustion engines. You plug…

We’re ready for another exciting year in Environmental Education!

Bluegrass Greensource (BGGS) staff is gearing up for a fantastic year of Environmental Education in the Bluegrass. We will continue to have many of the same excellent Environmental Education programs for preschool - 12th-grade. {{ vc_btn: title=Check+out+our+%2ANEW%2A+PreK-12+page%21&shape=round&color=primary&align=center& }} Here are a few highlighted programs for the start of the 22/23 year! Creek Day Creek Day…

Cooperative Solar co-op members reap the benefits of sustainable, green energy

The following article is sponsored content by Kentucky's Touchstone Energy Cooperatives COOPERATIVE SOLAR program. Electric cooperatives can help their members get the benefits of solar energy, and they don’t have to put solar panels on their own roof or property. “Cooperative Solar is a convenient way for people, businesses and organizations to access renewable power…

Education Spotlight: Clark’s Run Watershed Fun

Students from Danville Independent High School and Hogsett Primary School immersed themselves in watershed education this year by exploring Clark’s Run Creek. Both schools participated in classroom water quality activities. Danville Independent High School took a field trip to Michael Smith Park to study the water quality of Clark’s Run.  Hogsett Primary participated in a…

On The Table Lexington Recap!

Last week, thousands of Lexingtonians gathered in tables all across town to learn from each other, build community, and make their voice heard in local government. Additionally (per, "all participants will complete a survey about how Lexington is growing and changing. This data will be used to shape Lexington’s map for the future through…

Education Spotlight: Creek Days

Students in kindergarten through 12th grade, across our service region, get outside and discover the importance of clean water for all living things on Creek Days.  Students participate in macroinvertebrate hunts, perform chemical tests, and complete habitat surveys to determine the health of their waterways. Creek Days are designed to help participants learn the ways…

World Water Day 2022

As the world celebrates World Water Day on March 22, you can do your part in protecting our water locally by joining the BGGS Water Action Team. In 2021, the Water Action Team spearheaded a flood cleanup along Hinkston Creek in Carlisle. Volunteers from BGGS, the Carlisle community, and the University of Cincinnati removed enough…

New Green Check Members Announced

By: Noel Osborn The City of Lexington’s Green Check program has accepted 13 new members to certify this year. Bluegrass Greensource will be working with the following businesses and organizations to guide them through the certification process over the next several months. New members include: Black Soil: Our Better Nature CivicLex Doodles Breakfast & Lunch…

Contribute to the Energy Efficiency & Climate Change Action Team!

By: Chris Porter The recent winter weather blanketing Central Kentucky has been beautiful to look at. However, for families that struggle financially, this weather brings with it new worries – higher utility bills. The economic hardships brought by the pandemic means millions more Americans now face difficult choices between feeling comfortable and safe in their…

Saving Our Streambanks Virtual Workshop Series

By: Lindsie Nicholas Join us for this FREE virtual workshop series to learn the information, tools, and resources needed to establish streamside buffers and stabilize streambanks on your property and in your communities. The speaker lineup includes Robert Hoffman with Roundstone Native Seed, Chuck Davis and Derek Scott with Beaver Creek Hydrology,  Alicia Bosela with…

Exploring Energy in Preschool

In October of 2020, BGGS began piloting a new, OEP sponsored, Preschool Energy Curriculum. Educators at five local preschools have implemented lessons and activities on solar, wind, and water energy as well as simple machines and how animals use energy to do work. Our youngest learners have taken on this new content with incredible enthusiasm…

See What the Education Staff is Up to This Semester

This spring, our environmental educators continue to adapt to current educational needs. We are eager to meet with teachers and students virtually! Read on to learn about our programs and how we can work with you. LFUCG Environmental Education: Our virtual program offers K – 12 classrooms in Fayette County the opportunity to take a…

BGGS’s Executive Director Becomes a Kentucky Colonel

Did you see this on our social media? Our amazing Executive Director, Amy Sohner, recently received the Commonwealth of Kentucky’s highest honor. Kentucky Colonels are bestowed upon those that demonstrate noteworthy accomplishments and outstanding service to our community, state, and nation. Amy has served Central Kentucky through her work with Bluegrass Greensource for the past 20…

Raptors in the Virtual Classroom

In December, the Junior Nature Explorers students got to interact with some of Kentucky’s raptors! Raptor Rehabilitation of Kentucky presenters introduced owls, hawks, and falcons to each classroom on Zoom, giving students an up-close look at the unique characteristics of these birds. Students furthered their understanding of camouflage, predators and prey, and adaptations as they…

Green Check Welcomes New Members

The City of Lexington’s Green Check program recently honored three new certified members. Honorees included: VisitLEX (Silver), Mediocre Creative (Silver), and Bluegrass United Church of Christ (Bronze). The program recognizes businesses for their green initiatives and helps them expand their sustainability efforts. Becoming a Green Check Member business begins with a personal consultation and completion…

Watershed Engagement in the Bluegrass

Bluegrass Greensource held the second successful Hinkston Creek and Dix River Watershed Group Stakeholder Meetings virtually this November. In these days of virtual everything, it was wonderful to have a group of 20+ individuals at each meeting engaging in ways to make our waterways cleaner. Our stakeholder groups meet once or twice a year to…

I’m Dreaming of a “Green” Christmas: Tips for a Sustainable Holiday Season

Are you committed to making the holidays more environmentally friendly? Here are some ideas to help you start: Decorate your house with LED lights and you can use almost 90% less energy. It saves you money on your electric bill and helps the environment. Don’t overdo it! It’s the light that shines in our hearts…


The Live Green Lexington School program has been in full force this semester with virtual waste reduction and water quality lessons. Students use interactive Google Slides, videos, 3D tours of watersheds, and so much more as they explore their local environment. Technology has provided so many opportunities- there is a list of never-ending options for…

Recycling Single-Use Plastics at Kroger

By: The BGGS Waste Reduction Action Team With nearly 2,800 stores in 35 states under two dozen banners and annual sales of more than $121.1 billion, Kroger Co. today ranks as one of the world’s largest retailers. As such, the company generates a lot of waste. For fourteen years, Kroger has been publishing its annual…

BGGS Educators Master Virtual Field Trips

No school year is complete without a field trip or two and the Bluegrass Greensource educators have been happily out in the field (quite literally) this month! In partnership with the Live Green Lexington education program, we have taken students on virtual field trips all across Fayette County. First graders explored McConnell Springs to learn…

BGGS Partners with the Office of Energy Policy

Bluegrass Greensource is excited to partner with the Office of Energy Policy to develop a unique energy based curriculum for preschoolers. There are a variety of curriculum options beginning at the kindergarten level but preschool is a unique opportunity to expose our youngest learners to the core basics of how energy moves, works, and transforms!…

Announcing GreenFest 2020, Presented by PNC

We are excited to announce GreenFest 2020, presented this year by our friends at PNC! Because of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, this year’s GreenFest will be free to participants and will take place completely online, with four nights of workshops happening across two weeks. Mark your calendars for October 20th, 22nd, 27th, and 29th, from 6:00 p.m. to…


 This fall, our environmental educators are busy adapting to the changes brought about by Covid-19. We are eager to meet with teachers and students virtually! Read on to learn about our programs and how we can work with you. LFUCG Environmental Education: Our virtual program offers classrooms in Fayette County the opportunity to take a “field…

Lexington’s Coolest Parking Garage Now Treats Stormwater

By: BGGS Water Quality Action Team The Lexington Parking Authority in collaboration with CDP Engineers are proud to announce the completion of a stormwater treatment system in the Helix Garage. Last year, Lexington Parking was awarded an LFUCG Stormwater Grant for the project which had a proposed cost of $300,000, with LPA paying 20% of…

See Who Is Working On the Climate Crisis in Kentucky

Learn What Is HappeningGet Involved By: BGGS Energy Efficiency & Climate Change Action Team Click here for a list of Kentucky groups working on our crises in climate, energy, and environmental justice.  We have compiled this list for people who would like to get involved in climate action, and for those who would like to connect…

Bluegrass Greensource Energy Programs for 2020-2021

Bluegrass Greensource is excited to announce extensions to our existing energy programs. Thanks to funding from the Office of Energy Policy we are offering four new energy related programs. Energy Efficiency WorkshopsBluegrass Greensource will be leading 10 energy efficiency workshops in Central Kentucky. Participants will learn from experts in the field of energy and will…

Bringing Community Together In the Garden

Everyone’s idea of what a community garden looks like probably differs slightly. That is because there are lots of different models of community gardens. One thing that is always similar is that the success of the garden relies upon what the community makes of it. This year Bluegrass Greensource staff have made the community garden…

What is Green Infrastructure and Why is It Important?

By: The Water Quality Action Team Established by Congress in 1972, the Clean Water Act (CWA) is the cornerstone of surface water quality protection in the United States. The CWA made it unlawful to discharge any pollutant from a point source into navigable waters, unless authorized by a permit. Point sources are conveyances such as…

Top Ten Ways to Get Local Food

By: The Sustainable Agriculture & Local Food Action Team The food you eat every day is one very important way that you are deeply connected to the land, water and air that sustain life on earth. Though you likely eat food everyday, you may not know anyone who grows food, since only 1.3% of the…

What Have We Been Up To?

With a lot of businesses having to decrease their workload in this time of crisis, the Bluegrass Greensource staff feels incredibly lucky that we are able to stay busy while working from home. Keep reading to find out how we’re staying busy and relevant during COVID-19. Amy: “I have been working on Strategic Planning with the board,…

Kentucky Energy for Youth Team Learn About Kentucky’s Energy History

Every year, I look forward to March as it involves one of my favorite events. Thanks to funding from the Kentucky Office of Energy Policy, students from Central Kentucky are given the unique opportunity to learn about the history and the future of energy in Kentucky. Bluegrass Greensource educators work with 5 students from 12…

Earth Hour–Be a Part of the Solution!

When Earth Hour started as a symbolic lights-out event 13 years ago in Sydney, Australia, no one could have guessed how it would grow! Today over 35 countries around the world participate as official flagship cities and over 400 cities support Earth Hour. Thousands of landmarks around the world turn off their non-essential lighting for…

Toyota Environmental Field Day for 2nd Grade Classrooms

To celebrate National Environmental Education Week, Toyota Motor Manufacturing, Kentucky, Inc. will host its annual Environmental Field Day on Tuesday, April 28th, 2020. This all day, all-outdoors activity focuses on connecting second grade students with the environment.   TMMK Environmental Field Day is provided free of charge and includes: Transportation reimbursement (not to exceed $600)Lunch…

Green Force Begins Next Month

Green Force is a 7-week sustainability “crash course” open to the public starting March 24th, 2020. Participants interested in becoming a Green Force volunteer commit to attending four of the sessions and volunteering at one of our events before certification. There will be six topics covered ranging from Waste Management to Sustainable Business Practices. Bluegrass Greensource staff will be leading the sessions,…

Meet the New Interns!

We are excited to introduce our Spring Interns! They will be helping us with a diverse range of projects, and we are excited to start working with them. Learn more about their experience below. Kyle FielderMain Street Clean Sweep Kyle is an intern with Bluegrass Greensource and the project coordinator for the Main Street Clean Sweep…

Septic System Problems? Let us Help!

Bluegrass Greensource is hosting five Septic Care Workshops, three in the Hinkston Creek watershed (Bourbon, Montgomery, and Nicholas Counties), and two in the Clarks Run and Hanging Fork watersheds (Boyle and Lincoln Counties). Applications will be available for those who attend a workshop and live in the Hinkston Creek, Clarks Run, or Hanging Fork  watershed…

Love The Earth, Love Yourself

Who knew that Valentine’s Day is right around the corner? Considering the overabundance of Easter décor already at the local Kroger, I had forgotten the day even existed! But whether you’re celebrating Galentine’s Day Leslie Knope-style, spending a romantic evening with your partner, or enjoying a special evening with a spoon and a pint of…

Inaugural Sustainability Summit a Success

On February 4th at the UK Gatton Student Center, nearly 30 presenters spoke to almost 200 attendants about sustainability issues in and around Central Kentucky, inspiring them to take action in their own communities. The Sustainability Summit’s Keynote speaker, Mark Fisher from the Cincinnati Zoo, told the audience about the incredible transformation the zoo went…

BGGS Gets Ready for the Inaugural Bluegrass Sustainability Summit

BGGS will host an exciting event this coming February: the Inaugural Bluegrass Sustainability Summit. On February 4th, 2020, the Sustainability Summit will empower attendees to create change in their businesses, homes and communities. After hearing regional success stories and from local experts, attendees will split up into Action Teams and take on local opportunities and…

BGGS Celebrates Its Longest-Serving Employees

At our recent Fall Open House, our Board Chair, Tresine Logsdon, presented four of our staff with awards for length of service. Maxine Rudder, our Deputy Director, has been working tirelessly since 2004 and is an inspiration to all she interacts with. Pattie Stivender started in 2007 and has lead our award winning education team with passion and…

Sustainable Gift Wrapping with BGGS

On Saturday, December 14, we hosted a Green Living Lab on Sustainable Gift Wrapping. We had a fun and festive morning full of holiday music, treats, and gift wrapping–of course! Our participants learned some strategies for wrapping gifts in more sustainable ways. We used fabric as reusable wrapping, while also using and reusing paper to make reusable…

Your Guide to Earth-Friendly Holiday Shopping

‘Tis the season for giving!  For many of us this may mean trips to brick and mortar stores to select the perfect gift, for others shopping online is the preferred method.  Have you ever wondered about the environmental impact of online shopping How does it stack up against a trek to the mall or other…

Green Check Welcomes Nine New Members

The City of Lexington’s Green Check program recently honored nine new certified members. Honorees included: Most Valuable Pets (Silver), EARTHeim Landscape Design Studio (Silver), Bluegrass Landscapes (Silver), West Sixth Brewing (Bronze), GRW (Bronze), Carson’s Food & Drink (Bronze), Downtown Lexington Partnership (Member), Clark Law Office (Member), and Barnhill Chimney (Member). The program recognizes businesses for…

Lexington Hosts NAAEE Conference

Since joining the field of Environmental Education in 2011, I have loved attending the annual conference for the Kentucky Association for Environmental Education. This great opportunity has been a fantastic way each year to meet with other professionals from across the state to bring fresh ideas back to the programs we offer here at Bluegrass…

Greening your Big Blue Tailgate

It’s football season in the Bluegrass! While we love to hear Carl Nathe shout “FIRST DOWN KENTUCKY,” we equally love to hear “where is the recycling bin?” at the tailgates. To celebrate the excitement over this season, we thought we would provide some tips on how to green up your tailgate.  Remember the three Rs…

Growing Good Kids at Junior Master Gardener Camp

In their last weeks of summer break, fifteen young gardeners joined us at The Arboretum for Junior Master Gardener camp, an annual camp organized by The Arboretum in partnership with Bluegrass Greensource educators. Our educator, Kara, and EELCorps members Cassie (Bluegrass Greensource) and Hannah (The Arboretum) became camp counselors for the week, working with campers…

Breaking Ground in the Community Garden

As our Urban areas in Central Kentucky grow, it is important to consider leaving green space for our communities to connect with nature, dig in the dirt, and explore the marvels of cultivating our own food. As many of us rush through our days, busy with work, school, and other appointments, we often forget to…

Teachers’ Academy Back and Better Than Ever

This past July, we wrapped up our second Teachers’ Environmental Academy for educators working in Fayette County. Funded by the City of Lexington, this program aims to equip teachers with knowledge about the systems working behind the scenes in our city that they can bring back into their classrooms. From visiting an active landfill to…

Welcome back to school!

Another school year has begun!  This is an exciting time for our education staff as we meet with schools and schedule programs for the year.  We continue to offer a variety of programs for our twenty county service region. Environmental education is available to these counties:  Anderson, Bourbon, Boyle, Clark, Estill, Garrard, Harrison, Jessamine, Fayette,…

Students with Kentucky Refugee Ministries Tour Lexington’s Recycling Plant 

By: Chris Porter Lexington is and has mostly been a community of transplants – most Lexington residents arrive here from other places. This makes educating people about recycling extremely important, and also somewhat of a challenge. We often begin conversations about Lexington’s recycling program by saying, “All recycling is local.” This simply means that how…

Welcoming a New Class of Early Childhood Environmental Educators

By: Rachel Patton Presenting our newest certified early childhood environmental educators! On April 27, we trained 17 early childhood educators in 3 environmental education curriculum guides: Growing up WILD, Getting Little Feet Wet, and Environmental Experiences for Early Childhood. We spent the day outdoors, engaged in activities about trees, wildlife, habitats, water, and so much…

It Takes a Village: Recycling in Garrard & Lincoln Counties Is a Community Effort

In the past year, chances are you have heard something about the challenges facing recycling in America. Though services in Garrard and Lincoln County have been affected, Tommy Gooch, Solid Waste Coordinator for both counties, says the Counties’ recycling program continues to see growth and increased demand. Because of this increase, the Recycling Center recently…

Planting Our Streambanks

In May, Bluegrass Greensource worked with several communities and property owners in the region to establish native streamside (riparian) buffers along key waterways. The riparian program is part of a larger effort to improve water quality within the Clarks Run and Hanging Fork watersheds in Boyle and Lincoln counties, and Hinkston Creek watershed in Bourbon,…

Learning About the Past, Present, and Future of Coal Mining

Over one-hundred students, teachers, and parents from Central Kentucky schools visited Harlan County to learn about Kentucky’s main energy source: coal.  The trip was the culmination of six months of studying about energy resources and their differing environmental impacts. The fourth-grade students travelled around Benham and Lynch, two communities that have been significantly influenced by…

Bluegrass Greensource Gears Up for Early Childhood Program

If you ask someone what sparked their interest in the natural world, most often it is a role model or experience they had at a young age. In my case, it was a combination. My parents encouraged me to explore the creek and woods surrounding our home. My teachers took my classes to an outdoor…

Bluegrass Greensource Hosts Its Second Community Forum

On December 12th, 2018, Bluegrass Greensource hosted its second topical community forum. After the overwhelming response following the Recycling Forum, this forum covered composting efforts in Lexington and surrounding areas. Representatives from LFUCG, Seedleaf, the University of Kentucky, GleanKY, and the Franklin County Fiscal Court came out to discuss what they’ve been doing, as well…

Bluegrass Greensource To Host Its Second Community Forum

On October 24th, Bluegrass Greensource hosted its first-ever community forum at Henry Clay High School in Lexington. This forum touched on local recycling efforts as well as international shifts in the industry. Panelists from the Lexington Division of Waste Management, Republic Services, the University of Kentucky, Fayette County Public Schools, and Live Green Lexington came…

This is Just Like When I Watch Nature Cat on TV!

“This is just like when I watch Nature Cat on TV!” By Rachel Patton Nothing compares to the excitement in this first grader’s voice when she stepped outside for Stream Day at the Academy of Leadership at Millcreek Elementary. As she walked towards the stream, a huge smile spread across her face. Just outside the…

Lexington Students Highlight the Impact of Single-Use Plastics through Innovative Project

Much attention in the past year has been given to the proliferation of single-use plastics and their negative impacts on ecosystems everywhere. Most of this attention has focused on local and national campaigns centered on plastic drinking straws. But there is another single-use plastic that is so common most people never even give it a…

Green Up your Big Blue Tailgate

It’s football season in the Bluegrass! While we love to hear Carl Nathe shout “FIRST DOWN KENTUCKY,” we equally love to hear “where is the recycling bin?” at the tailgates. To celebrate the excitement over this season, we thought we would provide some tips on how to green up your tailgate.  Purchase reusable dishware –…

Fall into Green Habits

As the leaves begin to change colors and the weather cools, there are still lots of great things to do to stay green! If you enjoy sweater-weather and your pumpkin-spiced latte, then consider some of these ideas to complete your fun, fall days! Get Outside… A regular for many families, consider visiting a local orchard…

Applications are Open for Potential New Green Check Businesses

Bluegrass Greensource recently helped honor the City of Lexington’s newest Green Check certified businesses. Including the first ever, Gold Level business, Town Branch Tree Experts!  Town Branch Tree Experts, Inc. (Gold) Unitarian Universalist Church of Lexington (Silver) Perspectives, Inc. (Silver) Meg C Jewelry Gallery (Bronze) Lextran (Bronze) Minglewood (Bronze) Boone Creek Outdoors (Member) A Cup…

Saving Your Streambanks

Saving Your Streambanks Why is the drainage ditch or stream in my backyard or on the farm getting deeper? Or wider? Why are the edges getting steeper? What can be done? Our Kentucky streams face many challenges from our day-to-day urban and agricultural activities. Streams and drainage ways are straightened, mowed to the edge, stripped…

New Pollinator Garden at Garden Springs Park is Blooming!

By Kara Sayles, Environmental Educator & Rain Garden Project Coordinator Garden Springs Park recently installed a pollinator garden at the park entrance off of Garden Springs Drive. The pollinator garden is designed with native perennials to help attract pollinators like bees, butterflies, and birds. Not only is the garden beautiful but it serves as an…

Resource Society

By Chris Porter, Development Director, Bluegrass Greensource Throughout our history, one thing has been central to Bluegrass Greensource’s mission: providing the resources—be they knowledge, tools, or money—that communities need to take the small steps that will lead to big impacts on our shared environment. We are very excited to launch the next phase of our…

Students and Parents Have a Wonderful Time at Kentucky Energy for Youth Program Field Trip

      By Chris Porter, Development Director, Bluegrass Greensource     Conundrum – noun a kind of riddle based upon some fanciful or fantastic resemblance between things quite unlike; a puzzling question, of which the answer is or involves a pun a question to which only a conjectural answer can be made. (From Mary…

Franklin County Litter Map

  By Kyle Hager, AmeriCorps VISTA Member at Bluegrass Greensource Franklin County folks looking to publicize their litter clean-up efforts, or to show their students or community members how proud they are of their hard work, now have a new medium to do so. The Franklin County Litter Map showcases litter abatement endeavors in an…

Main Street Clean Sweep Success!

By: Ashley Bryant-Cheney, Program Specialist/Volunteer Coordinator, Bluegrass Greesnsource From Saturday April 14th to Friday April 27th, over 1,050 volunteers came together around Earth Day to participate in 20 community-led litter pick-ups throughout Central Kentucky. Community members came together to clean-up and build community pride in the Bluegrass. Event participants received t-shirts, gloves, trash bags, and litter…

2018 Main Street Clean Sweep

By: Ashley Bryant Cheney, Program Specialist/Volunteer Coordinator, Bluegrass Greensource   April is Earth Month! Every year around Earth Day volunteers throughout the Bluegrass get out and clean up their communities as part of Main Street Clean Sweep. Join us in your community around Earth Day for our fifth annual Main Street Clean Sweep presented by Commonwealth Credit…

Watershed Improvements–Financial Assistance Available for Septic

By: Lindsie Nicholas, Watershed Coordinator, Bluegrass Greensource Did you know that a failing septic system can require expensive repairs, pose a serious health risk to your family and neighbors, and have negative impacts on water quality? Leaking/failing systems deliver raw sewage into our watersheds, endangering people and livestock in the area with increased bacteria (E.…

Reliable Hens

By Anna Ackerman, writer, Bluegrass Greensource Blog  Spring is bursting forth around our house. The daffodils are blooming, the roses are budding, the bush and tree branches are swelling at the tips, and the hens are laying again. We allow our hens to take a much needed break from laying during the short days of…

Try Straw Bale Gardening This Spring

By Deb Larking, Environmental Educator, Bluegrass Greensource The February thaw always puts me in the mood for gardening.  But in recent years, with less time and energy for it, I have gravitated to pots for my herbs and straw bales for my tomatoes and peppers. I start preparing my bales about two weeks before planting…

Minglewood – Plastic Sucks

  By Noel Osborn, Outreach Specialist, Bluegrass Greensource  Five hundred million plastic drinking straws are used each day in the United States. That’s 182.5 billion straws each year. Because plastic straws are not recyclable, they eventually end up in our landfills, as litter on our streets, or clogging our streams and waterways. One block of Lexington restaurants and bars…

Seeking Help with Dog Waste at Your Apartment? We Have What You Need!

By: Chris Porter, Development Director, Bluegrass Greensource Whether as a service animal or family pet, dogs are integral parts of our lives. With temperatures warming, dog owners will soon be re-emerging from their homes to get outside with their canine companions. Today, many of Lexington’s apartment communities allow residents to have dogs. But if you…

Be My GREEN Valentine this year

By: Danny Woolums, Environmental Educator, Bluegrass Greensource Who knew that Valentine’s Day is right around the corner? Considering the overabundance of Easter décor already at the local Kroger, I had forgotten the day even existed! But whether you’re celebrating Galentine’s Day Leslie Knope-style, spending a romantic evening with your partner, or enjoying a special evening…

Thank You for Your Support

Thank YOU! Each year, Greensource asks you to show your support of environmental education and outreach by making gifts to our fall fundraising campaign, and this year, you came through in a major way! Thank you for helping to make our fall campaign such a huge success. Because of your support and that of our…

Increasing Recycling at the University of Kentucky

By: Ashley Bryant Cheney, Program Specialist/Volunteer Coordinator, Bluegrass Greensource Bluegrass Greensource is partnering with UK Recycling to increase student recycling participation in residence halls. With UK’s campus-wide recycling infrastructure growing, continued education is key for recycling participation, especially among residential students. Bluegrass Greensource has implemented recycling education in three residence halls on campus through promotional materials and a peer education program. Students in the residence…

DIY Beeswax Lip Balm

DIY Beeswax Lip Balm Anna Ackerman, Contributor Bluegrass Greensource Blog When my family harvested our honey, we saved the wax caps. After squeezing as much honey as we could from the wax caps, we put them in a tiny crock pot we use to melt beeswax. It didn’t take long for the wax to liquefy.…

Have a Holly, Jolly, and Green Holiday Season

Looking for some easy holiday recycling tips? Check out this flyer to get some good ideas to put the GREEN in your holidays.

Endings and Beginnings

By Anna Ackerman The smell of the garden as the summer season slips into fall is one of my favorite things. The last Zinnias wither on their stems as the temperature cools. Even though it may seem final, the seeds can be saved and replanted in the spring. Some years we keep the garden going…

Farm to Fork Recap

By Amy Sohner, Executive Director, Bluegrass Greensource On October 14th, the Nicholasville Farmers’ Market hosted its first annual Farm to Fork Dinner at the Jessamine County Fair Grounds in Nicholasville.  More than 100 people attended to help support the Farmers’ Market as well as the Jessamine County Food Bank and Bluegrass Greensource.  The dinner was…

Education Spotlight: Dupree Nature Reserve

By Kyle Hager, AmeriCorps VISTA Member As an AmeriCorps VISTA member serving at Bluegrass Greensource, my primary duties often have me behind the scenes and in the office. But from time to time, I get to tag along with BGGS’ enthusiastic and capable environmental educators. These outings provide invaluable insights into the impact hands-on science…

Green Check Spotlight – Broomwagon Coffee + Bikes

By Noel Osborn, Outreach Specialist, Bluegrass Greensource Last month the Green Check program held its annual recognition ceremony to honor newly certified members.  One of the newest members, Broomwagon Coffee + Bikes, has gone above and beyond in the area of waste reduction and recycling.   A basic recycling program is required of all Green…

Join Us For Family Volunteer Day and Win Two Tickets to Disney World!

By Ashley Bryant Cheney, Program Specialist/Volunteer Coordinator, Bluegrass Greensource Bluegrass Greensource is proud to announce our participation in a global day of service for families.  Family Volunteer Day is a day of service that celebrates the power of families who work together to support their communities and neighborhoods.  Why do family volunteerism?  Volunteering instills in…

Teacher Spotlight: Ms. Emily Manier: 4th and 5th Grade Science Teacher at Crab Orchard Elementary

By Deb Larkin, Environmental Educator, Bluegrass Greensource  Emily Manier grew up near Crab Orchard, KY.  She attended Crab Orchard Elementary from Kindergarten through 8th grade.  Her goal, from the time she realized that she wanted to teach, was to come back and teach at her alma mater, her “home” school.  Her teachers there had inspired…

Bluegrass Greensource Welcomes New Staff Members

Kyle Hager – AmeriCorps VISTA  Kyle is an AmeriCorps VISTA volunteer member serving Bluegrass Greensource. He was raised in Owingsville, Kentucky, and has spent the last several years abroad in Spain and in San Francisco. He holds a BA in History and Philosophy (Morehead State University), and a MA in Linguistics (San Francisco State University),…

Green Check Pilot Program Wins Green Initiative Award

By Noel Osborn, Outreach Specialist, Bluegrass Greensource   Commerce Lexington recently held its annual Salute to Small Business Awards. One of the 8 awards presented, the Green Initiative Award, honors small businesses that have prioritized the implementation of sustainable practices. According to the official criteria, demonstrated practices must include; “written policies, goals and metrics for green…

School Spotlight: Eastern Second Graders Investigate Alternative Forms of Energy

By Melissa Smedley, Second Grade Teacher, Eastern Elementary School, Georgetown In Science class, second graders at Eastern Elementary School have been taught about alternative forms of energy. They have discussed natural energy sources including water, wind, and the sun. This study, however, took on a very real and delicious meaning to second graders this week.…

Now Hiring – Watershed Coordinator

Bluegrass Greensource is looking for a highly motivated and experienced professional to join its staff as a Watershed Coordinator. This position will lead Greensource’s efforts to implement watershed based plans (WBP) in the Clarks Run, Hanging Fork, and Hinkston Creek watersheds. A full job description can be found below.  Email resume, letter of interest, and…

Eat Farm-to-Fork with the Nicholasville Farmers’ Market and Support Bluegrass Greensource

By: Amy Sohner, Executive Director, Bluegrass Greensource In recent weeks, our friends from the Nicholasville Farmers’ Market and the Jessamine County Extension Office have worked hard to create a delicious Farm-to-Fork dinner on Saturday, October 14th, at the Jessamine County Fairgrounds.   The brainchild of Babette Overman, of Overman’s Bluegrass Fruits and Vegetables, the Farm-to-Fork event…

Back to School with Bluegrass Greensource

By: Danny Woolums, Environmental Educator, Bluegrass Greensource  Every year, Bluegrass Greensource educators spend August and September meeting with teachers throughout our 20-county service region. This year is no exception, as we bring back some of our most popular programs and meet with many, new, and exciting educators. Recycling Greensource educators work hard to help Central…

Cane Run Watershed Festival

  Cane Run Watershed Festival  Saturday September 16th 11am -3pm Castlewood Park 201 Castlewood Drive, Lexington  A place to learn about our local water quality while having fun! Free food for the first 200 people Music and entertainment Educational exhibits Kids’ Activities Green Living Workshops Giveaways       Green Living Workshops 12pm Bicycle Maintenance…

Keep the Bluegrass Beautiful

 By: Ashley Bryant Cheney, Volunteer Coordinator, Bluegrass Greensource  Bluegrass Greensource is expanding its litter abatement efforts throughout the Bluegrass Region. As part of our litter abatement outreach we are applying to Keep American Beautiful for a regional affiliation called Keep the Bluegrass Beautiful (KBB).  KBB will allow each participating county to access the vast network…

Energy Education – Kentucky Energy for Youth

 By: Pattie Stivender, Education Coordinator, Bluegrass Greensource  Bluegrass Greensource educators are energizing students across Central Kentucky as we start our annual classroom energy education program.  Our educators work closely with teachers to provide lessons that align with Kentucky Academic Standards and are engaging for students.  We continue to offer classroom activities that focus on Kentucky’s…

Welcome, Noel!

Welcome, Noel! We are thrilled to welcome Noel Osborn to the Bluegrass Greensource team as our new Outreach Specialist! She will be working with adults throughout Fayette County and our service area to provide resources and education to promote sustainability at home and work. Noel will also work closely with the City of Lexington’s GreenCheck…

Outreach Spotlight: Cultural Orientation with Kentucky Refugee Ministries

By: Rob Gates Outreach Specialist Bluegrass Greensource For refugees making the arduous journey to the United States, learning to deal with constant change becomes an imperative skill. While arriving at their final destination might signal the end of one particular journey, it brings a brand new set of unique changes. During this adjustment period, every…

Thank You for Supporting Environmental Education During Earth Month!

By: Chris Porter Bluegrass Greensource Development Director April was Earth Month, and it was wonderful to see all of the many Central Kentuckians who came out to improve their local environments before, on, or just after Earth Day. Whether through Main Street Clean Sweep, Arbor Day, Reforest the Bluegrass, or other efforts, it’s always inspiring…

The Results are in! Main Street Clean Sweep 2017

By Ashley Bryant Cheney Environmental Educator Bluegrass Greensource From Friday April 14th to Saturday April 29th, over 1,000 volunteers came together around Earth Day to participate in 20 community-led litter pick-ups throughout Central Kentucky.  Event participants received t-shirts, gloves, trash bags, and litter grabbers, and took to their downtown storefronts, roadsides, parks and other public spaces to…

Caching the Rain in Castlewood Park

By: Rob Gates Outreach Specialist Bluegrass Greensource Visitors to Castlewood Park in Lexington’s North End might be surprised to find some interesting new additions to the park’s landscape. Since 2015, as part of The City of Lexington’s Stormwater Incentive Grant Program, the park had received a number of exciting upgrades to help improve stormwater quality…

Setting Records in Sustainability: School Recognition Ceremony 2017

By: Pattie Stivender, Education Director On April 27, students and teachers from across Fayette County came together to celebrate green initiatives in Fayette County Schools.   The partner recognition ceremony, held at Garrett Morgan Elementary, awarded seventy two public and private schools for their efforts in sustainability. Garret Morgan, one of Lexington’s newest elementary schools,…

VISTA Americorps: Event Support

Bluegrass Greensource is seeking a full time VISTA Volunteer to plan events with environmental themes. Previous experience in promotion and event planning is preferred. Email resume, letter of interest and contact information for three references to Click here for the full job description. This VISTA opportunity is offered through the Plantory, with Bluegrass Greensource…

Outreach Specialist

Bluegrass Greensource is looking for a highly motivated candidate to work with adult environmental education and outreach in Central Kentucky. Much of the work will be with Lexington businesses and neighborhood groups, but will also work with organizations and local governments throughout the 20 county Bluegrass Greensource service area. Click here for the full job…

Kentucky Energy Education: a Field Trip to Harlan County

By: Pattie Stivender, Education Director On March 23rd and 24th, Bluegrass Greensource took 50 students and 25 adults to Harlan County to learn about Kentucky coal mining. Students from six counties in Central Kentucky learned about the history of coal mining and what the expectations are for the immediate future. This field trip was the culmination…

Ready, Set, Give: April 18th is Kentucky Gives Day

April is Earth Month, a time when we reflect on our relationship to the natural world around us and recommit ourselves to making a difference in our environment. It’s the time when we fully emerge from our winter cocoons, ready to get back outdoors and get our hands dirty in the garden, get back on…

Introducing, Junior Nature Explorers!

Anyone who has or works with young children these days has surely noticed a trend where kids spend less and less of their time outdoors. Some blame the prevalence of screens in the home. Some blame “helicopter parenting,” which is shorthand for parents who hover over their kids and try to remove any sort of…

We’re the featured charity at Don Jacob’s!

All during the month of April, Bluegrass Greensource is the featured Charity of the Month at Don Jacobs BMW, Honda, and Volkswagen in Lexington. This program is a wonderful way to support environmental education in Central Kentucky while also receiving top-quality service on your automobile at Don Jacob’s! This program works in two easy, exciting…

Bluegrass Greensource is Don Jacobs April Charity of the Month!

Mark your calendars! During the month of April, Bluegrass Greensource is the featured Charity of the Month at Don Jacobs BMW, Honda, and Volkswagen in Lexington! This program is a wonderful way to support the many nonprofits that are working to make a difference in Central Kentucky.  Here’s how it works: If you schedule a service…

County Spotlight: Anderson County

By: Rob Gates Outreach Specialist Bluegrass Greensource Over the past year, Bluegrass Greensource has taken steps to expand our outreach and impact in one of our western most neighbors: Anderson County. These efforts began in earnest, with a multiyear a partnership with Republic Services to assist in the roll out and continuing education for the…

The Path of Water: Community Art Contest & Show in Georgetown, KY

By: Danny Woolums Bluegrass Greensource Environmental Educator Growing up in a city like Georgetown comes with many different perks. When you have a small community, you often find yourself able to walk from home to your favorite coffee shop (oh how I miss Lock & Key!) or to the elementary school playground to play on the…

Workshop Shows that Energy Efficiency Is Truly for Everyone

By: Mallory Johnson, AmeriCorps VISTA The January Saturday morning was cold, but sunny, as people began to file into the basement at Arlington Christian Church. Soon the large room was full of adults and children – more than 60 all together – talking, laughing, and sharing stories. Everyone was gathered for the second hands-on home…


By: Chris Porter, Development Director Thank you! This fall, Bluegrass Greensource celebrated its 15th anniversary. During that time, we have worked directly in communities throughout Central Kentucky to help people take the small steps in their daily lives that will add up to big impacts on our shared environment. As we ramped up our end-of-year…

Save the Date for Main Street Clean Sweep: April 22, 2017!

By: Ashley Bryant-Cheney, Environmental Educator & Volunteer Coordinator At Bluegrass Greensource, we are getting ready for Earth Day! Yes, we know that it is only February, but April is just around the corner. Our big annual event for Earth Day is Main Street Clean Sweep! Main Street Clean Sweep is a community-led litter clean-up. Bluegrass…

Education Spotlight: Teacher Trip to the E.W. Brown Generating Station

By: Mallory Johnson, Americorps VISTA Thanks to the support from the Department of Energy Development, on January 17th Bluegrass Greensource took teachers and our Environmental Educators on a tour of RossTarrant Architects and E.W. Brown Generating Station. Our day began with a tour and educational visit at RossTarrant Architects, an educational architecture firm located in Lexington, KY.…

Education Spotlight: Energy Education in Central Kentucky

By: Pattie Stivender, Education Director Bluegrass Greensource educators are energizing students across Central Kentucky as we start our annual classroom energy education program! Our educators work closely with teachers to provide lessons that align with Kentucky Academic Standards and are engaging for students. We continue to offer classroom activities that focus on Kentucky’s energy sources,…

Home Energy Workshop Recap

By: Mallory Johnson, AmeriCorps VISTA Our Home Energy Workshop on December 7th was a space for diverse members of our community to come together and learn hands-on energy saving tips to take into their own home this winter! The technical portion of the workshop was led by Chris Woolery, with assistance from Rachel Norton, both…

Submit your 2017 Sustainable New Year Resolution!

Best Wishes for a Sustainable New Year! By: Amy Sohner Bluegrass Greensource Executive Director We have realized for a long time that many people make resolutions that they never can keep. I am guilty of that myself.  As an example, I finally renewed my passport, a resolution I made five years ago! Almost since our inception,…

Green Living Lab: 2017 Workshops Announced!

From gardening to green cleaners at home, Green Living Lab offers something for everyone! Green Living Lab is a new Saturday workshop series at Bluegrass Greensource, where staff present short, engaging workshops to help you build new skills and learn more about topics to live more sustainably. Green Living Lab continues in 2017 with three more…

What Do 96, 55, 15, and 29 Have in Common?

What Do 96, 55, 15, and 29 Have in Common? Do you believe in the importance of environmental education? Do you think it should be taught in every school in Kentucky? If you do, you share the same core value as 96% of your fellow Kentuckians who feel the same. However, if you do share…

The Recycle Challenge is Underway!

By: Danny Woolums, Environmental Educator Working for Bluegrass Greensource is always full of surprises. Sometimes I get to tour landfills or visit state parks as part of my work. And sometimes I’m working at 4am doing an audit of neighborhood recycling bins trying to beat the recycling trucks. Yep, the Live Green Lexington Recycle Challenge has…

Bringing Hope through Home Energy Workshops

By: Mallory Johnson, AmeriCorps VISTA As an AmeriCorps VISTA member, I have committed a year of service to help individuals and communities in Central Kentucky move out of poverty. One of the projects I am working on at Bluegrass Greensource is a series of three sustainability workshops. This series will take place from the fall…

Thanks to our Donors and the Honorable Order of Kentucky Colonels, Some Exciting News!

By: Chris Porter Bluegrass Greensource Development Director At Bluegrass Greensource, we try to make all of our K-12 educational activities as tactile as possible. Fully engaging all of a student’s senses helps them grasp ideas and retain information, all while deepening their understanding of a given lesson. Animal pelts and skulls are, by far, the…

It’s Official! Green Check Certification Program Launches for Fayette County Businesses

Lexington launches Green Check Program and recognizes inaugural businesses From the City of Lexington Last Thursday, September 29th, the City of Lexington launched the new sustainable business certification program Green Check. Green Check recognizes businesses for their green initiatives and helps them expand their sustainability efforts. Six businesses were recognized for their role in piloting the program: Bullhorn…

The Recycle Challenge Kicks Off October 4th!

The Recycle Challenge, a program of the City of Lexington, is designed to increase participation in the city’s residential, curb-side recycling program, by working through the local public elementary schools. Students at Arlington, Harrison, and Williams Wells Brown elementary schools have been challenged to increase recycling participation in their school districts by 50 percent. In the process, they can earn rewards…

We’re celebrating 15 Years of serving Central Kentucky!

We want to hear your stories! By: Amy Sohner Bluegrass Greensource Executive Director 2016 is Bluegrass Greensource’s 15th anniversary! We were founded in 2001 to empower the 20 counties in Central Kentucky to create a more sustainable environment. Whether positive changes are made through increasing recycling, making a residence more energy efficient, installing a rain…

Bluegrass Greensource Announces Grant from the Honorable Order of Kentucky Colonels

For Immediate Release Contact: Mollie Harris, Communications Specialist Phone: 859-266-1572 Email: Bluegrass Greensource Announces Grant from the Honorable Order of Kentucky Colonels Bluegrass Greensource is the recipient of a 2016 grant provided by the Honorable Order of the Kentucky Colonels. This grant will provide for the purchase of new educational resources like animal pelts…

Green Waves Radio: September 9, 2016 |Jim Kreiner, Habitat for Humanity

Green Waves Radio: September 9, 2016 Host: Rob Gates, Outreach Specialist Guests: Jim Kreiner, Habitat for Humanity Rob interviews Jim Kreiner, ReStore Director at Lexington Habitat for Humanity, about their operations, sustainability principles, and experience as a Green Check pilot business.

Green Check Launch: September 29, 2016

By: Rob Gates Outreach Specialist Bluegrass Greensource Beginning fall of 2016, a new program aimed at increasing business sustainability will launch throughout Lexington and Fayette County. The program, known as Green Check, will build upon the past successes of the Live Green Lexington Partner Program by highlighting businesses and organizations throughout Lexington/Fayette County that have…

Back to School with Bluegrass Greensource!

By: Pattie Stivender Bluegrass Greensource Education Director Another school year has begun!  Our education staff are keeping busy planning and scheduling with schools in our service area, and we have many exciting programs in the works for the 2016-2017 school year! Recycling In Fayette County, we will be working hard with the LiveGreenLexington Recycle Challenge. Arlington Elementary, Harrison…

Taking the Classroom to the Garden: Cassidy Elementary and Tates Creek High School

By Ashley Bryant Cheney Environmental Educator Bluegrass Greensource School gardens are the perfect classroom, a living laboratory full of knowledge. As Environmental Educators, we are always excited about getting out in the school garden. These gardens are a perfect place to teach students about plant life cycles, compost piles, pollinators, soil composition, native and nonnative plants,…

Green Waves Radio is on the Air!

Green Waves Radio airs Fridays at 11:00 am on Lexington Community Radio By: Chris Porter Development Director Bluegrass Greensource The past year has seen the birth of one of Lexington’s newest, most exciting community resources – Lexington Community Radio. Operating two low-power stations (95.7/WLXL/El Pulso Latino and 93.9/WLXU) from the basement of the STEAM Academy, LCR…

Green Waves Radio: August 5, 2016 | Guest: Kristi Fehr, Cassidy Elementary Science Lab Teacher

  Green Waves Radio: August 5, 2016 Host: Ashley Bryant Cheney, Environmental Educator Guest: Kristi Fehr, Cassidy Elementary Science Lab Teacher Ashley interviews Kristi Fehr, Cassidy Elementary Science Lab Teacher about her new school learning garden, integrating environmental education in the classroom, and more.

One Day and a BIG Impact, Thanks to Lucky’s Market!

By: Chris Porter Bluegrass Greensource Development Director On Wednesday, July 13th, Bluegrass Greensource was the nonprofit benefiting from Lucky’s Impact Day, a community program pioneered by one of the Lexington’s great new retailers, Lucky’s Market. In addition to providing access to affordable, organic food options, Lucky’s also invests heavily in the communities in which it operates.…

Getting Outside with PokémonGo

By: Danny Woolums Bluegrass Greensource Environmental Educator For many young adults like myself, PokémonGo has been the realization of a dream we’ve had since we were children. Becoming a Pokémon trainer and catching all 150 of the magical creatures excited me and my brother while we battled it out on our GameBoys. Almost 2 decades later,…

Blending Environmental Education and ESL at Lansdowne Elementary

By: Ashley Bryant Cheney Bluegrass Greensource Environmental Educator At Bluegrass Greensource, we love summer. It’s a time to take part in environmental educational activities outside of the walls of the classroom, to recharge, and reflect about the next year’s cycle of education programs. I’ve spent part of mine at Lansdowne Elementary School, helping, perhaps surprisingly,…

Green Waves Radio: July 22, 2016 | Guests: Roscoe Klausing and Dan Stever, Klausing Group

Green Waves Radio: July 22, 2016  Host: Chris Porter, Development Director Guests: Roscoe Klausing and Dan Stever, Klausing Group In this episode, Chris interviews Roscoe Klausing and Dan Stever of the Klausing Group, a commercial landscaping business in Lexington, KY. Roscoe and Dan discuss the ways commercial landscape can make measurable impacts on our urban landscape, by designing landscapes that reduce…

Green Waves Radio: July 15, 2016 | Guest: Joshua Bills, MACED

Green Waves Radio: July 15, 2016  Host: Chris Porter, Development Director Guest: Joshua Bills, Energy Efficient Enterprises Program Coordinator with MACED Mountain Association for Community Economic Development  In this episode, Chris interviews Joshua Bills about his work with MACED to create a clean energy future in Kentucky.

Green Waves Radio: July 1, 2016 | Guests: Carl Steele, Step Forward Lexington and Ashley Bryant Cheney, Bluegrass Greensource

Green Waves Radio: July 1, 2016 Host: Chris Porter, Development Director Guests: Carl Steele, Step Forward Lexington and Ashley Bryant Cheney, Bluegrass Greensource From event support to picking up litter, our work wouldn’t be possible without our awesome volunteers! In this episode, Chris interviews Carl Steele of Step Forward Lexington and Ashley Bryant Cheney, Bluegrass Greensource educator and…

Green Waves Radio: June 24, 2016 | Guest: Reena Martin, FoodChain

Green Waves Radio: June 24, 2016 Host: Rob Gates, Outreach Specialist Guests: Reena Martin, FoodChain In this episode, Rob interviews Reena Martin about her work with local food education nonprofit, FoodChain! FoodChain houses Kentucky’s first indoor commercial Aquaponics Farm, with an upcoming expansion to a Teaching and Processing Kitchen and Neighborhood Grocery.

Summer Fun (and Learning!) with Bluegrass Greensource

     It’s Time for Summer Camp! Bluegrass Greensource educators are working with a variety of organizations this year to provide environmentally focused activities and lessons at summer camps in the Central Kentucky area! With activities ranging from Recycle Relay to testing water quality, campers have fun learning about the environment and how we all have…

Lucky's Impact Day: Wednesday, July 13th

Support Bluegrass Greensource at Lucky’s Impact Day! Shop for a GREAT cause! We are thrilled to be the beneficiaries of Lucky’s Impact Day this summer. When you shop at Lucky’s Market (1030 South Broadway, Lexington, KY 40504) on Wednesday, July 13th, Bluegrass Greensource will receive 10% of the day’s total sales! Proceeds from the event will directly…

2016 Artistic Rain Barrels Now Available Online!

2016 Artistic Rain Barrels The 2016 Artistic Rain Barrels are now available for purchase online! Each rain barrel is $200 (with tax), with all proceeds benefiting Bluegrass Greensource’s environmental education activities throughout Central Kentucky. Check them out below! Purchase yours today! Click the button below to purchase your barrel! Remember the name of the barrel…

Green Waves Radio: June 17, 2016 | Guests: Cara Cooper, Ian Reece, and Emma Anderson, Kentucky Student Environmental Coalition

Green Waves Radio: June 17, 2016 Host: Chris Porter, Development Director Guests: Cara Cooper (state organizer), Ian Reece (delegate), and Emma Anderson (delegate), Kentucky Student Environmental Coalition In this episode, Chris interviews Cara, Ian, and Emma of Kentucky Student Environmental Coalition, an organization mobilizing university, college, and high school students to promote environmental justice through activism, development, and education. These…

Bluegrass Sustainable Business Summit: Conference Agenda

Wednesday, June 15th 8:30 am – 5:00 pm Locust Trace Agriscience Center 2016 Schedule of Events: 8:30 am – 9:15 am      Registration and Continental Breakfast 9:15 am – 9:30 am      Welcome and Introductions 9:30 am – 10:30 am      Session A Option 1- Berea Sustainable Development Panel Berea College Dorm…

Green Waves Radio: June 3, 2016 | Guest: Beverly James, Floracliff Nature Sanctuary

Green Waves Radio: June 3, 2016  Host: Bridget Abernathy, Outreach Specialist Guest: Beverly James, Floracliff Nature Sanctuary In this episode, Bridget interviews Beverly James, Preserve Manager at Floracliff Nature Sanctuary about the ecological features that make Floracliff so unique, as well as Floracliff’s recent land acquisition.

Green Waves Radio: May 27, 2016 | Lily Brislen, Food Connection

Green Waves Radio: May 27, 2016 Host: Ashley Bryant Cheney, Environmental Educator Guest: Lily Brislen, University of Kentucky Food Connection Ashley interviews Lillian Brislen, Director of the University of Kentucky’s Food Connection. Lily shares her expertise about local food and farm systems, the future of local foods, and economic development.

Green Waves Radio: May 20, 2016 | Guests: Amy Preske and Harlen Wheatley, Buffalo Trace

Green Waves Radio: May 20, 2016  Host: Chris Porter, Development Director Guests: Amy Preske and Harlen Wheatley, Buffalo Trace In this episode, Chris interviews two guests from Buffalo Trace distillery, Public Relations and Events Manager, Amy Preske and Master Distiller, Harlen Wheatley. This show is about all things Buffalo Trace Bourbon, from production to enjoyment, and an exciting new…

Green Waves Radio: May 6, 2016 | Guest: Cheyenne and Richard Olson, Sustainable Berea

Green Waves Radio: May 6, 2016  Host: Chris Porter, Development Director Guests: Cheyenne and Richard Olson, Sustainable Berea Chris interviews Cheyenne Olson, Executive Director, and Richard Olson, Chair of the Board, of Sustainable Berea about their dynamic organization working to promote sustainable ways of life. Sustainable Berea provides resources for citizens to live more sustainably, from rain barrels to urban farming, and…

Bluegrass Sustainable Business Summit 2016

ADVANCE REGISTRATION: $45 per person/ $15 per student DAY OF REGISTRATION: $55 Includes catered lunch & workshop materials. Open to businesses and the public Click here for the summit agenda! Click here to register now! For further information or assistance, email The Bluegrass Sustainable Business Summit offers a wide range of tools, tips, and knowledge to increase sustainability…

2016 Rain Barrel Artists & Locations Announced!

What are ‘Artistic Rain Barrels’? In Fall of 2015, Bluegrass Greensource commissioned local artists to design and paint fully functional rain barrels, inspired by the theme of Kentucky’s rich horse culture and horseracing. After considering proposals, Bluegrass Greensource selected 10 original designs and the artists set to work. The results are pretty spectacular! What do the…

Green Waves Radio: April 22, 2016 |Homeplace High Adventure

Green Waves Radio: April 22, 2016 Host: Chris Porter, Development Director Guests: Tyler Offerman and Will Cripps, Homeplace High Adventure Chris interviews Tyler and Will of Someplace High Adventure, a new businesses offering guide-led adventures throughout some of the most beautiful places in nature throughout Eastern Kentucky. Learn about their community and sustainability philosophies, and how to get in touch to…

Green Waves Radio: April 8, 2016 | John Saylor, Program Manager Senior of Natural Resource Operations

Green Waves Radio: April 8, 2016 Host: Bridget Abernathy, Outreach Specialist Guest: John Saylor, Program Manager Senior of Natural Resource Operations Bridget interviews John Saylor, Program Manager Senior of Natural Resource Operations, in the Division of Environmental Services with Lexington City Government. John shares the history of the Urban Forestry program in Lexington, and plans for the program’s continued growth.

Green Waves Radio: March 25, 2016 | Guest: Traci Waters, Recycled Granite

Green Waves Radio: March 25, 2016  Host: Chris Porter, Development Director Guest: Traci Waters, Owner and Manager of Recycled Granite Chris interviews Traci Waters, owner and manager of Frankfort-based business, Recycled Granite. Founded in 2015, Recycled Granite craftshand-cut split-face granite tiles, as well as granite pavers for home and commercial applications. Traci shares how their unique products help divert scraps from…

Rain Gardens: Beneficial & Beautiful!

Rain gardens are an excellent and proven way to limit run off from entering our storm sewers and streams. In addition to helping reduce nonpoint source pollution such as litter, fertilizer, and animal waste (from pets or livestock) from entering our waterways, rain gardens can be an attractive way to address these challenges, particularly where…

Green Waves Radio: March 18, 2016 | Guest: Nic Williamson, Urban Forest Initiative

Green Waves Radio: March 18, 2016 Host: Bridget Abernathy, Outreach Specialist Guests: Nic Williamson, Urban Forest Initiative Bridget interviews Nic Williamson, a founding member of the Urban Forest Initiative. Nic is graduate student of the University of Kentucky Department of Forestry. Nic shares about the inception of this working group whose mission is to advocate for and elevate the function, value and…

Green Waves Radio: March 11, 2016 | Melanie VanHouten, Josephine Sculpture Park

Green Waves Radio: March 11, 2016 Host: Chris Porter, Development Director Guests: Melanie VanHouten, Josephine Sculpture Park Chris interviews Melanie VanHouten, Artistic Director of Josephine Sculpture Park. Located in Frankfort, KY, Josephine Sculpture Park provides community arts education and creative experiences, while conserving the beauty of Kentucky’s native, rural landscape.

Green Waves Radio: March 4, 2016 | Guest: Andrea Mueller, Inside Out Design

Green Waves Radio: March 4, 2016 Host: Chris Porter, Development Director Guest: Andrea Mueller, Inside Out Design Chris interviews Andrea Mueller, owner and landscape architect/designer, from Inside Out Design, a landscape and hardscape design-build firm located in Frankfort.

Green Waves Radio: February 19, 2016 | Guest: Ryan Koch, Seedleaf

Green Waves Radio: February 19, 2016  Host: Ashley Bryant Cheney, Environmental Educator Guest: Ryan Koch, Executive Director of Seedleaf In this episode, Ashley interviews Ryan about Seedleaf, a Lexington nonprofit dedicated to increasing access to fresh and healthy food in food deserts throughout Lexington. Seedleaf maintains sixteen community gardens, manages a composting program that collects materials from local area restaurants, and provides…

Growth of Energy Education at Bluegrass Greensource

Ever wonder what Bluegrass Greensource staff are up to? Every so often, we like to provide first-person descriptions of some of the work our staff complete in the  communities we serve. This month, we hear from Olivia Oakley, an Americorps Vista who is working hard to provide energy education to Central Kentucky youth and adults.…

Resolution Results

With the beginning of the new year, Bluegrass Greensource asked you to tell us in which areas of your life you resolved to make sustainability improvements. Your responses were wonderful and demonstrated your deep commitments to making the small changes that lead to big impacts in our local environment. Almost everyone who participated committed to…

Green Waves Radio: January 29, 2016 | Guest: Tresine Logsdon, Fayette County Public Schools

Green Waves Radio: January 29, 2016  Host: Ashley Bryant Cheney, Environmental Educator Guest: Tresine Logsdon, Fayette County Public Schools Ashley interviews Tresine Logsdon, Energy & Sustainability Curriculum Coordinator for Fayette County  Public Schools. Tresine shares information about some of the impressive sustainability initiatives the school system has implemented, including accomplishments by students of the Bluegrass Sustainability Youth Council.

Green Waves Radio: January 15, 2016 | Guest: Lane Boldman, Kentucky Conservation Committee

Green Waves Radio: January 15, 2016  Host: Chris Porter, Development Director Guest: Lane Boldman, Kentucky Conservation Committee  In this episode, Chris interviews Lane Boldman with the Kentucky Conservation Committee. Based in Frankfort, the KCC is a coalition of individuals and organizations working for a healthy environment and strong protections of Kentucky’s natural resources and places.

Thank you for supporting our work!

This fall, our goal was to raise $7,500 to support three mission-critical areas of our work. We are so excited to report that with your help and that of many other friends and supporters, we reached our goal. At 11:51 p.m. on December 31st, we received our last donation through the GoodGiving Guide Challenge, which…

Weatherization Workshops and Tips

If your winter heating bill is over $200 per month, chances are that you would benefit from some home weatherization improvements. Here are a few tips that could be useful in keeping your home warm for less money: The two biggest sources of energy use is your HVAC system and your hot water heater. Keeping your…

Fundraising Update

Just two weeks left! The holidays are upon us, and New Year’s is just around the corner. That means that the GoodGiving Guide Challenge is also entering its final weeks. This fall, we have a goal of raising $7,500 to help support three critical areas of our mission. At the moment, we have raised $4,100…

Bathroom Recycling

Home Energy Audit Giveaway


Rain Barrel Giveaway


Submit Your 2017 Sustainable Resolution!


Thanksgiving Crafts

This Thanksgiving instead of spending money on table decorations spend some time with your family making your own with supplies already lying around the house. This sustainable approach to decorating will put money in your wallet and also put reusable items to good use. To learn more about these DIY projects, see below. Twig Candle…

Native Tree Picks Part Two

We are well into fall, and the brilliant autumn color is gradually fading. Before entering the busy winter holiday season of shopping, cooking, and gathering with family and friends, we may spend time raking the last of the fallen leaves, stacking firewood, and getting ready to spend more time indoors. Despite the cooling weather, the…

Don’t Waste That Turkey!

Turkey Stock out of Turkey Carcass Ingredients: Leftover turkey carcass, meat, and bones 1 Tbl. Parsley (dried) 1 Tbl. Onion Flakes 1 Tbl. Celery Salt 1 Tbl. Pepper 2 Tsp. Sage 2 Garlic Cloves (crushed just to release flavor) Instructions: Place Carcass in stock pot and fill with cold water, about 1 inch above bones.…

Join the GreenForce!

It has almost been a year since we started the Bluegrass GreenForce volunteer program. There have been dozens of people who have gotten involved with zero-waste events, rain garden planting, litter clean-ups, and storm drain stenciling all across the Bluegrass.  But we know there is still more work to be done to promote environmental education…

Stream Days at the Academy for Leadership at Millcreek Elementary

Millcreek has a wonderful tradition of having Stream Days twice a year. On these days, every student learns to appreciate the stream that they have behind their school. By seeing the creatures that live there and exploring their school’s landscape, students discover why the health of water matters to everyone and everything and how they…

Call To Artists

What? Bluegrass Greensource seeks  local artists to create works of art on fully functional rain barrels.  This year, the theme for all barrels will be horseracing, and we need you to put your artistic spin on one of only 10 barrels. Why? Thousands of people will be exposed to your artwork throughout April and May…

Green News in the Bluegrass – October 2015 Newsletter

BRIDGET’S NATIVE TREE PICKS   Fall is upon us, and it is the perfect time to think about planting trees. Whether you are planting in the fall or planning for an early spring planting, choosing the right native species for the site is essential for the survival and vigor of the tree. Read More… ENERGY…

BGGS Open House

There was a flurry of activity and much excitement as Bluegrass Greensource Educators hosted an open house for educators in the Bluegrass area.  Educators and students were given the opportunity to learn about environmental activities and materials available to the public.  While teachers and educators discussed lessons and upcoming events students participated in hands-on activities. …

Bluegrass Greensource and GLAA Partner to Promote Apartment Sustainability

Increasing residential sustainability has been one of the primary goals at Bluegrass Greensource since its inception in 2001. This goal serves a double purpose in that it not only benefits the environment, but also offers additional incentives for homeowners looking to save money on utility expenses. But what happens for the thousands of Lexington/Fayette County…

It’s Coming!

Wait – what’s coming? It’s mid-October, and that means that we’re less than a month away from one of Central Kentucky’s best events – the Bluegrass Community Foundation and Smiley Pete Publishing’s GoodGivingGuide Challenge. If you haven’t experienced it before, the GoodGivingGuide Challenge is an awesome six-week campaign aimed at raising awareness of, engagement with,…

KRA Grant Opportunity

Wishing you could find some funding to help improve your favorite local stream, river or lake?  Are you located in the Kentucky River Basin? If so, please consider applying for a Kentucky River Authority Watershed Grant. Applications are being accepted until November 16, 2015. In 2003, the Kentucky River Authority (KRA) initiated a Watershed Grant…

Announcing: Septic System Maintenance Workshop

Improving Water Quality in the Dix River Watershed The Dix River watershed and its tributaries, which flow into the Kentucky River, are considered imperiled due to high levels of E. coli bacteria. Many of the streams flowing into the Dix River are unsafe for wading, swimming, fishing, and other forms of water recreation. Studies have…

Energy Audit Kits to the Rescue

Bluegrass Greensource provides free Energy Audit Kit’s through the public libraries for checkout. The Energy Audit Kit’s are designed to guide you through the first steps of making your home more energy efficient. By using this kit you can find areas in your home that could use more insulation, are leaking cold air, or appliances that are…

Bridget’s Native Tree Picks

Fall is upon us, and it is the perfect time to think about planting trees. Whether you are planting in the fall or planning for an early spring planting, choosing the right native species for the site is essential for the survival and vigor of the tree. Native trees are those that are indigenous to…

Rain Garden Volunteer Opportunity this Saturday!

Rain Garden Volunteer Training/Opportunity this Saturday, September 26th 10am-2pm! Rain Gardens help to reduce storm water runoff and improve water quality. We will be discussing rain gardens, their role in stormwater management, how to locate a site and construct a rain garden, plant selection, care, and maintenance of a rain garden, and how to renovate…

September Newsletter

RAIN GARDEN NATIVES: KARA’S PICKS Folks around Central Kentucky often ask me which plants are appropriate for a rain garden. Rain garden soil conditions can vary from wet to dry, making them tough places for many plants to grow. Read More… SEPTIC SYSTEM MAINTENANCE TIPS TO IMPROVE WATER QUALITY Many of Kentucky’s streams and rivers…

Sustainable Living Needs Sustainable Giving

Small changes lead to big impacts. At Bluegrass Greensource, we see this in action every day. Providing support for schools to recycle leads to recycling rates more than doubling in one year. Supporting local businesses in implementing sustainability initiatives leads to reductions in energy usage and the amount of waste produced. Partnering with major events…

Meet Our New Staff: Jackie and Olivia

Jackie Gallimore As a student at Western Kentucky University I did an internship in the Environmental Education department at Mammoth Cave which sparked a passion in me to encourage the younger generation to take on a more sustainable future. I later pursued a Masters in Natural Resources with emphasis in Environmental Education from the University…

Septic System Maintenance Tips to Improve Water Quality

Many of Kentucky’s streams and rivers are unsafe for wading, swimming, fishing, and other forms of water recreation due to the presence of high levels of E. coli bacteria. Human sources provide the most prominent contribution to E. coli exceedances. Rural areas not serviced by municipal sewage collection systems have higher human pathogens contributions from…

Rain Garden Natives: Kara’s Picks

Folks around Central Kentucky often ask me which plants are appropriate for a rain garden. Rain garden soil conditions can vary from wet to dry, making them tough places for many plants to grow. The plants chosen for rain gardens are adapted to these conditions and typically have extensive roots that help pull water into…

2015 Fall Waste Tire Collection Schedule

The Waste Tire Collection Program is an ongoing effort to rid Kentucky’s landscape of waste tires. Established in 1998 as part of the Energy and Environment Cabinet’s (EEC), the Waste Tire Collection Program works to ensure the recovered tires are recycled into beneficial products, such as tire-derived fuel or crumb rubber. During the waste tire collection event, individuals can drop…

August Newsletter

GOING TO THE SOURCE: HELPING CENTRAL KENTUCKIANS UNDERSTAND THE BASIS OF THEIR ENERGY SUPPLY Thanks to funding from the Department for Energy Development and Independence, Bluegrass Greensource is offering FREE coal education again this year! Read More… GREATER LEXINGTON APARTMENT ASSOCIATION – SUSTAINABILITY IN MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DWELLINGS Bluegrass Greensource has been invited to talk about sustainability…

Rain Garden Opportunities in Fayette County

Bluegrass Greensource will be offering Rain Garden Workshops this fall to neighborhood associations and homeowner groups in Fayette County.  Attendees of the workshop will be eligible for a $250 grant to construct a rain garden at their own home. A rain garden is a garden with a shallow depression that captures runoff from impervious surfaces,…

Greater Lexington Apartment Association – Sustainability in Multi-Family Residential Dwellings

Bluegrass Greensource has been invited to talk about sustainability at the Greater Lexington Apartment Association (GLAA) General Membership Meeting in September. Attendees will learn about easy to implement, sustainable strategies to lower utility expenses, attract clientele, gain a competitive advantage, and improve their triple bottom line of profit, people, and planet. The presentation will include information…

Going to the Source: Helping Central Kentuckians Understand the Basis of Their Energy Supply

Thanks to funding from the Department for Energy Development and Independence, Bluegrass Greensource is offering FREE coal education again this year! There has been much in the news about energy issues, such as “clean coal”, and mountain top removal mining. Bluegrass Greensource continues to educate Kentucky’s students about this important topic for their future, teaching…

Working together to improve the water quality in our rivers and streams

Kentucky’s rivers and streams provide abundant habitat for aquatic life, numerous opportunities for recreation, scenic beauty and a source of drinking water for our communities. Across our state, small streams flow directly into larger bodies of water. These streams, rivers and lakes provide us with more than 100 different species of fish and other aquatic…

Rising demands of energy mean conservation is as important as ever

The majority of students in Central Kentucky, as well as their teachers and parents, have little practical knowledge about energy production in the state or the impact that energy production has on our culture, economy, and natural resources. With funding provided by the Department for Energy Development and Independence, Bluegrass Greensource environmental educators are able…

Underserved community gets a little environmental help from its friends

You might have heard of the Night Market, a monthly first-Friday staple of food, entertainment and shopping at the corner of North Limestone and Loudon Avenue in Lexington. You might be less familiar with the nonprofit community development corporation behind the market. The North Limestone Community Development Corporation, or NoLi CDC, is a nonprofit organization…

July Newsletter

SAVE WATER AND MONEY WITH THESE LOW AND NO COST CONSERVATION TIPS! If you’re looking to make your home more sustainable, re-evaluating your residential water use is a great place to start. Saving water at home can help you save some serious cash. Here are 5 tips to help you get started! Read More… WATER WARRIORS…

2015 Rain Garden Tours Went Off Without a Hitch

Thirty visitors from around the Central Kentucky area toured thirteen established rain gardens in Midway, Berea, and Georgetown this past weekend as part of the 2015 Central Kentucky Rain Garden Tour Series. Gardens featured in the tour include private residences, Midway Christian Church, Berea College, Scott County Fire Station No. 3, Lemon’s Mill Elementary School,…

Improving Water Quality in Central Kentucky’s Rivers and Streams

Kentucky’s rivers and streams provide abundant habitat for aquatic life, numerous opportunities for recreation, scenic beauty, and a source of drinking water for our communities. Across our state, small streams flow directly into larger bodies of water. These streams, rivers, and lakes provide us with more than 100 different species of fish and other aquatic…

Save Water and Money With These Low and No Cost Conservation Tips!

If you’re looking to make your home more sustainable, re-evaluating your residential water use is a great place to start. Saving water at home can help you save some serious cash. Here are 5 tips to help you get started! 1.  Be on the lookout for lost water. This one is easier than it sounds.…

Water Warriors Learn the Importance of Water Conservation

Bluegrass Greensource is educating Central Kentucky youth on the value of water quality and conservation through the 2015 Water Warrior Summer Camp Series. Working primarily with 4th graders and operating in Bourbon, Scott, Woodford, and Owen Counties, environmental educators Emily Casey and Danny Woolums are helping campers understand the basics. “We only have such a…

Tour showcases the beauty, benefits of Central Kentucky rain gardens

A rain garden is a shallow depression that captures runoff from impervious surfaces, such as rooftops, patios, driveways and parking lots, before it enters the storm water system. A rain garden uses natural processes to improve water quality by filtering pollutants and reducing the amount of storm water runoff. The water easily infiltrates into the…

Make your cookouts and picnics environmentally friendly with these changes

Warm weather is here after what seemed like an unending winter. It’s time for cookouts, picnics, and even camping for many people. All of these activities involve cooking in the great outdoors. Picnics and cookouts can produce a lot of waste. How do we enjoy it while being gentle on the environment? These five simple…

GreenFest gives attendees new green ideas, offers food, music, more

Did you ever want to learn about keeping chickens or bees in your backyard? What about whether or not solar panels would work in Lexington, or on your house, or how to have a “green” lawn? Bluegrass Greensource is excited to announce our first annual sustainability fair called GreenFest on May 23 from 10 a.m.…

Where does your water shed? Find out, then do your part to keep it clean

Several years ago while attending a conference, I chose a session on “Rain Gardens.” As a horticulturist with a penchant for native and heirloom plants, I found the concept intriguing. To my surprise, the presenter started out by asking if we could identify our watershed. “My what?” This led into an unexpected but undeniably interesting…

Rain gardens go with the flow, helping reduce runoff, improve water quality

As spring shapes up here in Central Kentucky, early flowers are in bloom and trees are starting to bud. For many of us, this sparks an interest in gardening. One gardening option to consider this year is a rain garden. If you have water issues or just want to enhance your landscape, rerouting stormwater from…

Community cleanups across the Bluegrass need everyone to pitch in

As the region’s beautiful scenery springs to life, Bluegrass Greensource volunteers will be working with communities to create a clean, healthy environment for residents and visitors. And we want you to join us. There are plenty of opportunities for you, your family and community groups to volunteer to benefit our environment this spring. Take advantage…

Litter begets litter, meaning until we stop it we have to keep cleaning it up

Today I had sushi for lunch – in my car. Who does that? I guess it is not as bad as eating a gourmet filet mignon, but the car is not exactly the best place for sushi. A fast food burger or burrito maybe, but nothing that gets dipped in a wonderful mixture of soy…

On Earth Day and every day, it’s easy to bring a little green into your life

Every year in April, Earth Day presents a great opportunity to educate yourself and your family about the values of green living and protecting the local environment. Whether you are looking to spend a day, week or month celebrating the blue and green planet we call home, these quick tips will help you bring a…

As March Madness unfolds, take time to celebrate Mother Earth as well

March is upon us. In Kentucky, that can only mean one thing – basketball. I’m a transplant from a state that cares a lot about hockey, baseball, football – pretty much everything but basketball (sorry, Timberwolves) – but I am part of the Big Blue Nation now. When the Wildcat’s won the NCAA championship for…

Salt great at keeping roads safe but can have negative impact on environment

I think it is safe to say that most people here in Kentucky are tired of the snow. When the huge piles of snow finally melt away, we should consider what is being left behind – road salt. For those who have to hit the highways during or after a snow storm, road salt is…

New year is an opportunity to do new, better things; join GreenForce

Whether you reflect proudly on your many accomplishments in the past year or you can’t wait to turn a new page and look toward the future, the new calendar year is an opportunity to do new and better things. Whether your resolution is to become healthier, learn a new skill or be happier, there is…

Buying used toys is good for the pocketbook, good for the environment

The holiday shopping season is now in full swing. According to a recent American Research Group survey, the average American will end up spending around $861 on Christmas this year. Although this might be no big deal for some parents, for others it can cause a lot of stress. One simple thing to do instead…

June Newsletter

Bluegrass Greensource Helps Celebrate Grand Opening of Home2 Suite Running a sustainable hotel operation can be a challenge. The regular turnover of guests means that hotels must work hard to find ways to minimize waste and promote efficiency. So we were excited to have the opportunity to partner with one of the market leaders in…

It's Summer Camp Season!

Bluegrass Greensource educators are working with a variety of organizations this year to provide environmentally focused activities and lessons at summer camps in the Central Kentucky area! With activities ranging from Recycle Relay to cooking with solar ovens, campers have fun learning about the environment and how we all have an impact. Check out the…

GreenFest Recap

Thanks to all who were able to make it to Bluegrass Greensource’s first ever GreenFest in May! We were pleased to see hundreds of smiling faces, both familiar and new, join us at our office on National Avenue – right in the heart of what’s now known as “Warehouse Block” and surrounded by lots of…

Bluegrass Greensource Helps Celebrate Grand Opening of Home2 Suites

Running a sustainable hotel operation can be a challenge. The regular turnover of guests means that hotels must work hard to find ways to minimize waste and promote efficiency. So we were excited to have the opportunity to partner with one of the market leaders in sustainability-focused extended-stay  hotels as they opened their first Kentucky…

Preschool Programs: We’ll Bring the Science to You!

Bluegrass Greensource is pleased to extend the LiveGreenLexington Program to reach preschools and childcare centers in Fayette County. At Greensource, we believe young children need to be given the chance to fall in love with the natural world before we ask them to save it. Our programs for early childhood include the same overarching themes…

LiveGreenLexington School Partners Recognized for Outstanding Efforts in Sustainability

Students from across Fayette County marked Earth Day 2015 by holding up each other’s green initiatives and successes, and dozens of schools received banners touting this year’s sustainability achievements. Forty-two public and private schools attended this year’s recognition ceremony. The big highlight for Morton Middle was designation as a Kentucky Green & Healthy School. (Only two others…

Take the Styrofoam-Free Pledge

As part of the Green Business Challenge‘s Waste Reduction Week, we are asking area businesses and organizations to pledge to eliminate styrofoam completely in their facilities. Please fill out the form below to let us know you are going styrofoam-free. We will publish a full list of participating businesses and organizations on Monday, May 25.

Celebrate Earth Day at the 2014-15 LGL School Partner Recognition Ceremony

Please join us as we recognize Fayette County schools for their efforts in sustainability.  Schools will be recognized for outstanding efforts in waste reduction, water quality and conservation, and energy conservation. Over 80 public and private schools will be recognized this year. Educators are encouraged to bring students that have had an impact on their…

Green Career Fair

Planning for the 2015 Green Career Fair is well underway! The event will take place on Friday, April 17th at Crestwood Christian Church in Lexington. The goal of this event is to inform high school students about the environmentally friendly educational and career opportunities available to them after graduation. Last year’s fairs connected over 1,000…

Spring Watershed Festivals and Septic Maintenance Workshops

After a cold and snowy winter, Garrard, Lincoln, and Boyle Counties will welcome the long-awaited spring with festivals celebrating the Earth and focusing on the importance of clean water. Bluegrass Greensource is working with local partners to host two festivals and workshops in April. The Garrard/Lincoln County Earth Day and Watershed Festival will be held…

Toyota of Georgetown Environmental Field Trips for Students

Overlooking nearly 50 acres of wetlands, prairies and woodlands, Toyota Motor Manufacturing of Kentucky’s nature trail spans approximately one mile, windingalongside native grasses, bluebird boxes, and Kentucky ‘cane’. Trail markers tell Kentucky’s story and how TMMK works hard to protect the state’s natural treasures. Hikers are guided from one ecological highlight to another, with each…

What Book Should All Kentuckians Read in Their Lifetime?

Remember your favorite book – the one so good you forgot to eat or sleep because you couldn’t put it down? And then became annoyed when the movie version got it wrong? Share it with someone else!  Bluegrass Greensource is partnering with Teach For America on a “best books campaign,” searching for the one book that…

Science Sensation is a Sensation at the Kentucky American Water Science Fair!

More than 700 students from around Fayette County gathered at Tates Creek High School Saturday, February 7th to compete in this year’s science fair. 30 community exhibitors took part in the Science Sensation portion of the fair.  Science Sensation offers hands-on activities and learning experiences for students while they wait to have their projects judged…

Rain Garden Opportunities

What if all our neighborhoods incorporated stormwater that drains from the roof into the natural landscaping around our homes? Plants would be watered naturally, the groundwater recharged, and excessive curbing and stormwater systems could be eliminated. Instead of this modern, concrete-filled, suburban environment we could have flourishing ecosystems in our own yards, as well as…

January Newsletter

May the GreenForce be with You The Bluegrass GreenForce is up and running and there is still time for you to join! Click here for more information on how to join the GreenForce. Sustainable Love Check out the article our AmeriCorps VISTA Member | Green Jobs Coordinator, Macy Gould wrote regarding having a sustainable Valentine’s Day.…

Green Stories

We are excited to highlight the work of our LiveGreenLexington Partners through a new video series called Green Stories. These videos will feature a Lexington business who is participating in the LiveGreenLexington Partner Program and showcase their sustainability stories quarterly. The first business to be featured in the series is Bullhorn Creative. In this video…

Sustainable Love

Though “The Holiday Season,” is now officially behind us, there’s always another one just around the corner. Whether you see Valentine’s Day as an invention of the card industry to continue sales into the new year, or you feel as though it’s the one day out of the year that you can truly tell your…

Join the Greenforce

The new volunteer program, Bluegrass GreenForce is up and running.  On Saturday, January 10th, we had our very first Bluegrass Greensource 101 class.  We covered topics on recycling, zero-waste, water-quality, litter, and rain barrels.  Participants were excited to get out and volunteer.  We are looking forward to launching the Bluegrass GreenForce program with this core group…

December Newsletter 2014

Good Giving Guide Challenge Bluegrass Greensource would like to offer special thanks to those who donated during the GoodGiving Guide Challenge! With your support, we raised  $3,275 for environmental education in central Kentucky! Join Our Team! Greensource is currently accepting applications for two outreach positions. Click here for job descriptions and information on how to apply.…

A New Opportunity at Bluegrass Greensource!

A new unique leadership opportunity awaits you at Bluegrass Greensource! Are you interested in developing new skills, strengthening your leadership ability, implementing new ideas, and making an impact in your community? If so, Bluegrass Greensource has a wonderful new opportunity for you! In 2015, Bluegrass Greensource will be launching Bluegrass Greenforce. This is more than…

Thank You for Your Support During the GoodGiving Guide Challenge!

Bluegrass Greensource would like to offer special thanks to those who donated during the GoodGiving Guide Challenge! With your support, we raised $3,275 for environmental education in central Kentucky! Many thanks to our donors: Mary Arthur Jack Barnett Carol Bottoms Tracy Brown Martha Brown Gregory Butler Sandy Camargo Susan Cohn Michael Cronk Blaine Early Amy Eddie Chris…

Our Eco-Friendly Workplace: Putting the Green in Greensource

Our outreach staff spends a lot of time working with local businesses to help them foster sustainability efforts in the office, but we don’t often talk about the things we do to be green in our own space.  Since we’ve just moved to our new location at 835 National Avenue (come see us!), now is…

Greensource Joins National Avenue Businesses for Holiday Meet and Greet

Rain + cold + Saturday is typically a recipe for little more than staying in bed. Saturday, December 6th was an exception when roughly 40 community members joined Bluegrass Greensource for our holiday open house.  The open house was part of Love on Lexington, a neighborhood business hop organized by the National Corridor Businesses, and…

New Video Series Highlights Lexington Green Businesses

At Bluegrass Greensource, we’re always looking for fun new ways to promote our LiveGreenLexington Partners. Our newest adventure takes us into the realm of video.  The recently-launched Green Stories series will take you on a tour of Lexington’s leading green businesses. Each episode will focus on one LiveGreenLexington partner, and we will be highlighting the…

Holiday Open House: Saturday, December 6

We’ve Moved! Join us for a Holiday Open House in our New Location Saturday, December 6th 11:00 am to 2:00 pm 835 National Avenue, Lexington, KY 40502 Check Out our New Home on National We love our new space, and we can’t wait to show it off! Find out how Greensource is greener than ever,…

New Years Resolution: Go Green in 2015

Another year is upon us, and it’s resolution time again. Will you join us in making a commitment to a green 2015? Below are just a few suggestions of things we can all do to live sustainably in the coming year, from reducing the amount of waste we generate, to conserving energy, to being good…

November Newsletter 2014

Support Greensource in Annual GoodGiving Guide Challenge Greensource is participating in the annual GoodGiving Guide Challenge, and every donation gets us closer to our goal! Learn more about the Challenge, how to donate, and a unique partnership with West Sixth Brewing.  Dupree Outdoor Days Connect Garrard and Jessamine County Students to Nature In October, Greensource…

A little clothing TLC can do a lot to keep ‘textile waste’ out of our landfills

Confession: I didn’t separate my laundry in college. I didn’t even realize the temperature of the water mattered until my roommate, whose mother had instilled good clothes-washing habits in her, scolded me for washing my jeans on a warm cycle. I could probably fake my way through sewing a button on a shirt, but it…

Support Greensource in Annual GoodGiving Guide Challenge

Bluegrass Greensource is participating in the 2014 GoodGiving Guide Challenge, making us eligible for thousands of dollars in cash prizes when our supporters donate through the Challenge website! We are already off to a great start, raising $1,335 in just under two weeks. As an added bonus from the Challenge, Greensource recently won a contest…

Bluegrass Greensource is moving!

Beginning November 17, 2014, Bluegrass Greensource’s office will be located at 835 National Ave in Lexington. If you have any questions, please give us a call at 859-266-1572 or toll free 866-222-1648. For a map and directions to our new location, click here.    

Free Green Purchasing Workshop Offered for Lexington Businesses

When we work toward a more sustainable lifestyle, we spend a lot of time thinking about the things we should do (or not do): turn off the lights, recycle and compost, don’t leave the faucet running, don’t litter.  Equally important – but less discussed – is the impact of the things we buy.  In our…

Career Fairs Introduce Students to Green Job Opportunities

In October, Bluegrass Greensource held three regional Green Career Fairs in central Kentucky. These events connected students with basic green jobs information and with businesses and colleges that offer green career opportunities, education, and/or training. The career fairs also featured interactive activities for students to engage with business and college volunteers. The three Green Career…

Dupree Outdoor Days Connect Garrard and Jessamine County Students to Nature

  “Passion is lifted from the earth itself by the muddy hands of the young; it travels along grass-stained sleeves to the heart. If we are going to save environmentalism and the environment, we must also save an endangered indicator species: the child in nature.” ― Richard Louv, Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our…

Greensource Board Welcomes Greg Butler

Bluegrass Greensource extends a warm welcome to the newest member of our board, Greg Butler of Republic Services! Greg has worked with cities and counties in Virginia, Texas, Oregon, and Kentucky on a wide array of projects ranging from strategic planning, community visioning, natural hazards mitigation, food security, parks and open space planning, waste management,…

Sustainability partner Office Depot to lead free Greensource green purchasing workshop

Those working toward a more sustainable lifestyle often spend time thinking about the things they should do or should not do such as turning off the lights, recycling, composting, making sure the faucet isn’t left running or picking up litter. What is equally important, and often not discussed, is the impact of things we buy.…

Conserving water is more about what you don’t ‘use’ instead of what you do

When people think about conserving water, they usually think about turning off the faucet while brushing their teeth or making sure the washing machine is full before running a load. The biggest waste of water, however, is the one few people give much thought to. In the United States, one person will typically use between…

October Newsletter 2014

Walmart Grant Provides $50,000 for Waste Reduction Education At a recent press event, Walmart awarded Bluegrass Greensource a $50,000 grant for waste reduction and recycling education in Boyle, Clark, and Madison County schools. Learn more. Last Chance to Apply for Waste Reduction Grants for Boyle, Clark, and Madison County Schools As part of the Walmart…

Bluegrass Greensource and Bluegrass Tomorrow Team Up to Host Bluegrass Forever Green Sustainability Summit

Bluegrass Greensource and Bluegrass Tomorrow have teamed up to host the first-ever Bluegrass Forever Green Sustainability Summit on October 30th.  The goal of the summit is to bring leaders from throughout the region together to share information and best practices, as well as to discuss ways to find regional support and solutions for green initiatives.…

First Green Business Tour a Success

Our first ever Green Business Tour for educators was held on September 26th, and it was a huge success. Educators and Bluegrass Greensource staff toured Alltech and FoodChain in the morning, before heading over to the Plantory for tasty food and a “Lunch and Learn” session provided by Whole Foods. After lunch, educators toured Big…

Butt, they decompose. Right?

Cigarette butts are a major litter problem in Kentucky. Many people are unaware that cigarette butt litter usually ends up in our local creeks and rivers after being washed down our storm drains when it rains. Estimates of how long it takes a cigarette butt to decompose range from 8 to 10 years. Scientists debate…

Greensource Welcomes New Environmental Educator

Bluegrass Greensource welcomes Emily Casey to our team! Emily joins Bluegrass Greensource as an Environmental Educator working primarily with elementary and middle school students. She holds a B.S. in Education and Environmental Studies from the University of Vermont. Emily is originally from New Jersey and has spent time living throughout New England and Colorado. Emily…

Walmart Grant Provides $50,000 for Waste Reduction Education

The campaign to promote environmental responsibility through recycling in Central Kentucky schools received a boost on September 30th through the presentation of a $50,000 contribution from the Walmart Foundation to Bluegrass Greensource. “Bluegrass Greensource is excited to once again partner with Walmart, to expand the Wastebuster program to more schools in Central Kentucky,” said Bluegrass…

Keep your Halloween green by taking these simple earth-friendly steps

October is finally here and with it comes cooler weather, pumpkin everything and the favorite holiday of every sugar-crazed 6-year-old (or 6-year-old at at heart): Halloween. Honestly, who doesn’t love Halloween? All that aside, Halloween is another one of those days when our choices can cause lots of long-lasting problems for the environment. Most candy…

Ready, set, go with the 2015 LiveGreenLexington Green Business Challenge

Lexington professionals, listen up: if you’re interested in becoming more sustainable, you love saving money on your utility bills, and you have a little bit of a competitive streak, this one’s for you! The 2015 LiveGreenLexington Green Business Challenge is now underway, and it’s anyone’s game to win. The launch party is tonight, Oct. 2,…

PRESS RELEASE: Bluegrass Greensource receives $50,000 grant from Walmart

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Tiffany Smith, 859/797-0324  Bluegrass Greensource receives $50,000 grant from Walmart Winchester, Ky., September 30, 2014 –The campaign to promote environmental responsibility through recycling in Central Kentucky schools received a boost today through the presentation of a $50,000 contribution from the Walmart Foundation to Bluegrass Greensource. “Bluegrass Greensource is excited to once…

Bluegrass Greensource uses Walmart grant to promote school recycling in three counties

Walmart has given Bluegrass Greensource a $50,000 grant to help promote more recycling and waste reduction in schools in three Kentucky counties – Boyle, Clark and Madison. The program has existed for a number of years in six other counties – Anderson, Fayette, Garrard, Jessamine, Lincoln, and Mercer – and been responsible, according to Bluegrass…

September Newsletter 2014

College Students Lend a Helping Hand for the Environment Student groups from UK and Georgetown College recently gave back to their communities by participating in volunteer events. Click here for more information and photos from these events. Take the Challenge: Competition Opens October 1 All Lexington businesses are invited to participate in this year’s LiveGreenLexington…

Supporting Bluegrass Greensource has never been easier — just shop at Kroger and scan your Plus Card!

Here’s how to enroll: 1. Visit 2. Click “Enroll Now” 3. Sign in to your online account, or create an account 4. Enter “39041” or find and select “Bluegrass Greensource,” and click “Save” You’ll start earning rewards for Bluegrass Greensource right away on qualifying purchases made using your Kroger Plus Card!

College Students Lend a Helping Hand for the Environment

As most of us know, schools are back in session. And for those of us that live in college towns, that includes many of the local college and universities. Central Kentucky is fortunate to have many institutions of higher learning that are invested in giving back to their local communities. Bluegrass Greensource partnered with both…

Going to the Source: Helping Central Kentuckians Understand the Basis of Their Energy Supply

There has been much in the news about energy issues, such as “clean coal” and mountain top removal mining. We will continue to educate Kentucky’s students about this important topic for their future, teaching them about both the positive and negative aspects of using coal. As future leaders, today’s students need to be knowledgeable so…

Greensource Welcomes New Team Members

Bluegrass Greensource welcomes Tiffany Smith and Macy Gould to the team! Tiffany Smith joins us as PR/Development Manager. Tiffany earned a Bachelor’s degree in Public Relations from Eastern Kentucky University. She has worked in non-profit fundraising for the past three years and is excited to join the team at Bluegrass Greensource. While not at work,…

Take the Challenge: Competition Opens October 1

Lexington’s business community is invited to participate in a new-and-improved sustainability competition starting October 1: the LiveGreenLexington Green Business Challenge!  Formerly the LiveGreenLexington Games, the Challenge offers a structured – and fun – way for Lexington businesses to earn recognition for their sustainability initiatives, set and work toward efficiency goals, and take advantage of a…

Franklin County Elementary Schools Create Litter-Free Zones

Last fall, Bluegrass Greensource environmental educators worked with students in Franklin County to address the issue of litter in their community.  Fourth grade students at seven participating elementary schools spent two days with Greensource educators in their classrooms, learning about the effects of litter and other nonpoint source pollutants on our environment and our waterways. …

Why are some things recyclable and others are not? It’s all about economics

Many people recycle, but I often wonder how much we understand about WHY we recycle. Recycling is about more than just keeping things out of the landfill, although that is a big part of the reason why we do it. What I find most interesting is not the WHY to recycle, but WHY certain things…

2015 Green Business Challenge: Registration Walkthrough

Need help enrolling in the 2015 Challenge?  We’ve got you covered.  If you need additional assistance, or are encountering an errors with the Challenge website or registration process, contact us and we’ll do our best to get it worked out. Jump To: Create an account with GreenPSF Property or Space? Add your business to the…

Does your business measure up? Find out with Green Business challenge

Being sustainable at home? Piece of cake. Being sustainable at work? A little tougher. When your coworkers are all using energy, running water, printing documents, commuting to work and using (or not using) the recycling bins, it’s easy for your workplace’s environmental footprint to get big in a hurry. That’s where the LiveGreenLexington Green Business…

August Newsletter 2014

Green Jobs Program Offers Opportunities for Educators and Students Bluegrass Greensource’s Green Jobs Program is wrapping up its first year with some great events – a Green Business Tour for educators and 3 regional Green Career Fairs. Find out how you and your students can take advantage of these opportunities! Free Rain Garden Workshops Offered…

Keep FOG – fats, oils, grease – out of drain to help protect the environment

There is a debate right now about whether fat is good or bad and how much fat should be in a healthy diet. There is even debate about which fats are healthy. I am always confused about which cooking oil to buy and whether I should stick with margarine or use butter (or even lard).…

Rain Garden Events Offered in September

Bluegrass Greensource will be hosting several Rain Garden Workshops this fall in Clark, Madison, and Woodford Counties. Each workshop is FREE and open to the public. Fall workshop dates include: September 4, 2014     Madison County Extension Office September 6, 2014     Midway Christian Church September 20, 2014   The Generations Center (Winchester) September 27, 2014   Sustainable Berea…

Green Jobs Program Offers Opportunities for Educators and Students

The Bluegrass Greensource Green Jobs Program is wrapping up its first year with some great events – the Green Business Tour and 3 regional Green Career Fairs. We are pleased to share that this program has been well received by participating schools in the Bluegrass. These established partnerships with schools have the potential to offer…

Congratulations to the 2014 LiveGreenLexington Games winners

In an awards ceremony held on July 31st, the winners of the 2014 LiveGreenLexington Games were recognized by Bluegrass Greensource, the Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government, and their peers.  Since 2011, the Games have challenged Lexington businesses to see how green they can go; our 2014 competitors did just that, and we’re excited to share some…

Bluegrass Greensource and Kentucky American Water present the Water Stewardship School Program

Bluegrass Greensource is excited to kick off a new school program this fall.  In partnership with Kentucky American Water, Greensource is offering a water quality and conservation education program for fourth grade students in Bourbon, Clark, Owen, Scott, and Woodford Counties.  Participating schools will spend two days working with Bluegrass Greensource educators in the classroom. …

Bluegrass Greensource and Bluegrass Conservancy Partner for Elkhorn Cleanup

Friday, July 18th was a cloudy, drizzly day here in Central Kentucky but that didn’t stop volunteers and staff from Bluegrass Greensource and Bluegrass Conservancy from heading out to the South Elkhorn Creek in Scott County to clean up litter and debris. Owned by Bob and Laura Riddle, the Riddle Farm off Fisher’s Mill Road…

Rain gardens have many benefits for your yard and the environment

What if all of our neighborhoods incorporated stormwater that drains from the roof into the natural landscaping around our homes? Plants would be watered naturally, the groundwater recharged, and excessive curbing and stormwater systems could be eliminated. Instead of this modern, lackluster, concrete-filled, suburban environment, we could have flourishing ecosystems in our own yards, as…

July Newsletter 2014

LiveGreenLexington Games Awards Ceremony to be Held July 31st The 2014 LiveGreenLexington Games Awards Ceremony will be held at Blue Stallion Brewing on Thursday, July 31st from 5-7pm. The awards ceremony is a great opportunity to network with other sustainably-minded folks in the Lexington business community. Learn more about the event and next year’s Games!…

2014 LiveGreenLexington Games: Accolade Descriptions

Education Accolade The education accolade recognizes organizations with a demonstrated dedication to community outreach and education on sustainability issues. Nominees should be engaged in impactful projects beyond their own organization, providing information, resources, and assistance to achieve greater sustainability in the broader community. Collaboration with other organizations is encouraged. 2013 Education Accolade Winner: Bluegrass Youth…

Elkhorn Creek Clean Up

Everybody loves Elkhorn Creek Bluegrass Conservancy and Bluegrass Greensource are partnering for a Scott County creek clean-up. Are you looking for a fun way to make a difference with  your family this summer and play in a cool stream at the same time? When: Friday, July 18th Time: 10:00am – 1:00pm Where: Bluegrass Conservancy-protected Riddle Farm…

Large Turnout for Spring Rain Barrel Workshops

In May and June, Bluegrass Greensource hosted seven rain barrel workshops in Bourbon, Clark, Scott, and Woodford Counties, sponsored by Kentucky American Water.  Representatives from Bluegrass Greensource taught workshop participants about water conservation, its importance, and the purpose of rain barrels, as well as demonstrated for participants how to make a rain barrel. After the…

Volunteer Opportunities Available Throughout the Year

With busy lives, it can be hard to find time to volunteer. However, the benefits of volunteering are enormous to you, your family, and your community. The right match can help you meet new friends, make a positive impact on your community, and learn new skills. Regardless of your work experience we have a volunteer…

2014 LiveGreenLexington Games wraps up with awards ceremony on July 31st

Thanks to our dedicated LiveGreenLexington business partners, another successful round of the LiveGreenLexington Games is in the books!  Competition wrapped up on June 30th, with eighteen local businesses participating in this year’s green business challenge. Special thanks to all of our 2014 participants: 3M Ceradyne A Sense of Order alt32 ARCHITECTURE | DESIGN Cardinal Hill…

2014 LiveGreenLexington Games: Accolade Nominations

Accolade nominations are now closed! Meet the winners at the LiveGreenLexington Games Award Ceremony on 7/31, 5-7pm at Blue Stallion Brewing. Do you know of a Fayette County business or organization that goes above and beyond the call of duty to be sustainable? Nominations are now open for the 2014 LiveGreenLexington Games Accolades for organizations…

This Fourth of July, add a little (or a lot) of green to your red, white and blue

Ah, today is the last day of a short week, and time for one of my favorite holidays. Actually, if it weren’t for the heat, Independence Day may be No. 1 in my book. Being in downtown Lexington, watching a parade, walking the streets and meeting people I haven’t seen since the last Fourth of…

Locations for Move Out Madness

How does Move-Out-Madness work?  Hippo Crate has donated storage crates to be placed at two Lexington apartment communities – Newtown Crossing and Campus Courts at Red Mile.  The crates will be placed at each property for one week during their busiest move-out times this summer, allowing tenants to place their unwanted furniture and items inside. Habitat…

World Cup shines spotlight on environmental impact of such events

I am, by no means, what you would call a “soccer fanatic.” I played one year in elementary school where I pretty much just ran around, chasing the ball and trying to do whatever my teammates were doing. I’m sure my parents, who aren’t soccer fans either, sat on the sidelines just cracking up at…

June Newsletter 2014

Roll Out the Rain Barrels with Bluegrass Greensource Join us on Friday, June 20 from 5 to 8 PM for our 11th Annual Roll Out the Rain Barrels Reception at Fifth Third Bank Pavilion in downtown Lexington. Learn more and vote for your favorite artistic rain barrel! Volunteers Needed for Kentucky River Clean Sweep Are…

‘Summer is coming’ mantra means finding fun ways to keep it green

Summer is coming. If you happen to be a Game of Thrones fan, you are well versed in the “Winter is coming” mantra of the people from the North. However, since we in Kentucky have experienced way more winter than we care to for a few years, I think changing the mantra to “Summer is…

Greensource to Offer Rain Garden Workshop at Annual Whippoorwill Festival

Bluegrass Greensource will be hosting a series of Rain Garden Workshops in Woodford, Clark, and Madison Counties this summer and fall. Residents of Woodford, Clark, and Madison Counties that attend a workshop are eligible to apply to receive a grant of $250 to construct a rain garden at their homes. The first event in the…

Water Week Makes a Splash with Local Professionals

Above: Water Week participants tour the Town Branch Wastewater Treatment Plant. The first week of June was Water Week for LiveGreenLexington Partners and LiveGreenLexington Games participants, and it went swimmingly!  Representatives of Lexington businesses and organizations participated in events ranging from presentations to community service projects, all with one goal in mind: to raise awareness…

Tired of Tenants Leaving Furniture on the Street after Move-Out?

Unwanted furniture and home items often find their way to the curb when apartment tenants move out. Unless otherwise collected, these materials create an eyesore and typically end up in landfills.  The Greater Lexington Apartment Association’s Green Committee has partnered again this year with Bluegrass Greensource, LFUCG, Habitat for Humanity ReStore, Hippo Crate, and God’s…

Volunteers Needed for Kentucky River Clean Sweep

Interested in spending a day on the Kentucky River and improving our environment? You can do both by volunteering for the annual Kentucky River Clean Sweep on Saturday, June 21. While few of us Lexingtonians see the Kentucky River on a daily basis, 12 miles of it runs through our community and is our drinking water source. This small section…

You can have your cat and your planet, too, with these five earth-friendly tips

I am a cat person. Go ahead and roll your eyes, dog people, but I’m far from alone; an estimated 46 percent of U.S. households included at least one cat in 2012, for a whopping total of 95.6 million pet cats purring on the laps of my fellow American cat people. I am also an…

‘Is there really anything we can do about water?’ Yes – and then some!

Through our work with the city’s LiveGreenLexington Program – a program that recognizes and assists with the sustainability efforts of local businesses, places of worship and apartment complexes – I spend a lot of time talking to my fellow Lexingtonians about going green in the workplace. The one thing that always trips people up is…

Before summer’s heat sets in, plan ways to reduce your water consumption

Can you believe it? Summer is almost here. My plants are in the garden; my lawn is green; and best of all, no more snow! Summer living is great, but it’s not always easy on the planet. Americans use more water than anyone else in the world, and that water use increases dramatically over the…

Dive into Water Week with Live Green Lexington

UPDATE 5.28.14:  Tuesday’s lunch and learn is filling up fast!  Please RSVP by 2:00pm on Friday, May 30th so that we can make sure you’ll have a lunch waiting for you. Also, we would like to clarify that the stream clean-up on Thursday and the storm drain stenciling on Friday are rolling sign-in activities; come…

May 2014 Newsletter

Take Your Family Out to the Ballgame and Support Bluegrass Greensource Bluegrass Greensource will be featured as Lexington Legends’ Community Organization of the Night on Friday, May 23rd. Call or stop by our office to pick up your tickets for the game for just $8 each ($2 off face value), and show your support for…

Water Week Activities to be Held June 3 – 6, 2014

Grab your goggles, LiveGreenLexington Partners, because we’re diving into Water Week from June 3rd – 6th!  The water stewardship season of this year’s LiveGreenLexington Games runs through June 30th, so there’s still plenty of time to sign up and work on your scorecard. If you’re getting a late start (or just really want that water…

Over 60 Lexington Schools Recognized for Sustainability Efforts

Bluegrass Greensource joined forces with the Bluegrass Youth Sustainability Council, Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government, Kentucky Green and Healthy Schools, and the National Energy Education Development project (NEED) to award Fayette County Schools for their participation as LiveGreenLexington School Partners and to honor their commitment to other sustainability programs.  Over 60 schools received awards for their…

2014 Downtown Trash Bash a Success

Above: Trash Bash volunteers at the South Limestone location. The 2014 Downtown Trash Bash on April 18th was a great success! Bluegrass Greensource partnered with the Downtown Lexington Corporation and the Keep Lexington Beautiful Commission to expand this annual litter cleanup to five downtown locations. We had a wonderful, mild spring afternoon and over 100…

Roll Out the Rain Barrels 2014

Bluegrass Greensource will host its 11th Annual Roll Out the Rain Barrels Reception from 5 – 8 p.m. on Friday, June 20th. The event will take place at the Fifth Third Bank Pavilion in Lexington’s Cheapside Park and, for the third year, will be a part of Gallery Hop. The barrels are painted by local…

Over 400 Volunteers Participate in First Annual Main Street Clean Sweep

Bluegrass Greensource hosted the first annual Main Street Clean Sweep on Earth Day.  On April 22nd, city employees, small business owners, and concerned citizens from seven counties throughout the Bluegrass region came together to clean up litter during their lunch breaks to keep their main streets clean. Our first annual Earth Day Main St. Clean…

LiveGreenLexington School Recognition Ceremony

The third annual Earth Day Celebration organized by the Bluegrass Youth Sustainability Council  and Bluegrass Greensource featured more than 60 schools getting kudos for their “green” efforts in 2013-2014 and an unusual keynote message from acclaimed cellist Ben Sollee, who performed onstage amid his remarks. Opening with “Something, Somewhere, Sometime,” Sollee described how he feels…

Green Jobs Tour Survey

This survey is for educators interested in attending the Green Jobs Tour in the fall. [wpgform id=’4724′]

So, what’s your watershed? Find out, then work to keep pollutants out

Several years ago while attending a conference, I chose a session on rain gardens. As a horticulturist with a penchant for native and heirloom plants, I found the concept intriguing.   (Graphic from To my surprise, the presenter started out by asking if we could identify our watershed. “My what?” This led into an…

Clive Pohl: Accentuate the Positive

Lexington architect Clive Pohl was our keynote speaker at our 2014 Go Green, Save Green Workshop. We have had many requests for a text version of his presentation, and so with his permission, we are posting it below. Thanks again, Clive! Accentuate the Positive by Clive Pohl, AIA Pohl Rosa Pohl Prior to the storm…

Vote For Your Favorite Barrel

Bluegrass Greensource will host its 11th Annual Roll Out the Rain Barrels Reception from 5-8 p.m. on June 20th. The event will take place at the Fifth Third Bank Pavilion in Lexington’s Cheapside Park, and for the third year, will be a part of Gallery Hop. Painted by local artists, the barrels serve as a…

April 2014 Newsletter

Help Keep Lexington Clean and Green at the Downtown Trash Bash Come on out to the Downtown Trash Bash on Friday, April 18th and make our downtown more beautiful while helping to protect water quality in the Town Branch watershed! Individuals and businesses are invited to join us any time between Noon and 4 p.m.…

This Earth Day, consider the small things you can do to help environment

April 22 marks the 44th annual Earth Day celebration. Earth Day events, held worldwide, demonstrate support for environmental protection. The first Earth Day saw 20 million Americans who peacefully demonstrated for environmental reform. Today it is coordinated by the Earth Day Network and is celebrated by more than 1 billion people in more than 192…

Upcoming Festivals Will Celebrate Clean Water in Central Kentucky

The birds are chirping, the trees are in bloom, the weather is warming up – spring has sprung and it’s the perfect time to celebrate the Earth! Bluegrass Greensource is working with a variety of local partners to host three watershed festivals this spring in Boyle, Garrard, and Lincoln Counties. The Boyle County Earth Day…

Go Green, Save Green Workshop a Success

The fifth annual Go Green, Save Green (GGSG) Workshop was held on March 20, 2014. The weather was kind, the presentations enlightening, and lunch was delicious. Many agreed the post-workshop happy hour held at Blue Stallion Brewing Company was an added bonus. The workshop, sponsored by LFUCG and organized by Bluegrass Greensource, aims to provide…

Beth Oleson Joins Our Team

Greensource welcomes Beth Oleson, our new Outreach Specialist, to the team! Beth joined us in March 2014 and will be working with the LiveGreenLexington Partner Program, helping local businesses and apartment complexes expand recycling efforts, improve energy and water efficiency, and reduce stormwater runoff. Beth began her own environmental education as a toddler, flipping over…

With basketball over, April’s Earth Month shifts our focus to environment

Basketball is over … now what? Wow, what a basketball season! I am still recovering from the game parties last weekend and staying up way too late on a work night to watch the final game. I am also recovering from my guilt in thinking that our team would not get nearly as far this…

When redecorating for spring, don’t run to buy new or throw out – go green

Spring is finally here, and if you’re anything like me then you like to mix some redecorating in with your spring cleaning. Recently, I have been redecorating my dining room while trying to focus my efforts on reducing my consumption. Admittedly, the easiest decision may have been to just head to a big box store…

Downtown Trash Bash 2014

Help Keep Downtown Lexington Clean and Green at the 2014 Downtown Trash Bash Come on out to the Downtown Trash Bash on Friday, April 18 and make our downtown more beautiful while helping to protect water quality in the Town Branch watershed! Individuals and businesses are invited to join us any time between Noon and…

Earth Day Main St. Clean Sweep

Bluegrass Greensource needs your help this Earth Day for our first annual Main Street Clean Sweep.  On April 22nd, employees from seven downtown communities throughout the Bluegrass region will work during their lunch break to  pick up litter and keep their Main Street clean. In the past, Bluegrass Greensource has worked with numerous community groups…

Main Street Clean Sweep Registration

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NCAA ‘green’ tournament helps all environmental efforts go more mainstream

I like basketball. Ok, maybe not quite as much as you do, assuming you live in Kentucky and are obsessed with the #BBN (Big Blue Nation) – which took me longer than I care to admit to figure out what it stood for, but I can definitely get into a game, and even find myself…

March Newsletter

It’s Not Easy Being Green – We’re Here to Help   The 5th annual Go Green, Save Green Workshop, sponsored by LFUCG,  is scheduled for March 20, 2014 from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM at the BCTC Newtown Campus (500 Newtown Pike). This one-day workshop will educate businesses of all types and sizes on practices…

Bluegrass Greensource Staff Tour Rumpke Facility

A group from Bluegrass Greensource had the pleasure of touring the Rumpke Material Recovery Facility in Cincinnati, Ohio on February 19th.  Each day Rumpke takes in tons of unsorted recycling and uses some very skilled people and amazing technology to sort everything that makes its way into the facility.   When Rumpke’s old recycling facility burned…

First Annual Earth Day Main St. Clean Sweep!

    Bluegrass Greensource needs your help this Earth Day for our first annual Main St. Clean Sweep!  What better way to celebrate Earth Day than by getting out in your community and picking up litter?  Litter thrown on the streets ends up in storm drains and trashes our environment.  Storm drains often flow directly…

Support Bluegrass Greensource on KY Gives Day on April 9th

Bluegrass Greensource is participating in Kentucky Gives Day, scheduled for April 9, 2014, and we need your help! With just a few clicks, you make a donation that can help protect our local environment. Go to: to make your donation TODAY! Kentucky Gives Day, organized by Kentucky Nonprofit Network, is a 24-hour online fundraising event…

It's Not Easy Being Green – We're Here to Help!

  The 5th annual Go Green, Save Green Workshop, sponsored by LFUCG, is scheduled for March 20, 2014 from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM at the BCTC Newtown Campus (500 Newtown Pike). This one-day workshop will educate businesses of all types and sizes on practices that are both environmentally friendly and money-saving. This workshop is…

Making Green Work at Franklin County Operation Preparation

On March 10th and 11th, the Bluegrass Greensource Green Jobs Program was at Kentucky State University for Franklin County Operation Preparation.  Operation Preparation is a joint effort of the Kentucky Department of Education and the Department of Workforce Development and provides a powerful opportunity for schools, students, parents and communities to collaborate and focus attention to…

It’s not always easy being green with a puppy in the house, but it is important

My wife and I were fortunate enough back in November to adopt a beautiful golden retriever that we named Bailey. She just hit the four-month-old mark and is constantly keeping us on our toes as we have adapted our lives around her. What was once an easy process of getting up and getting ready in…

February Newsletter

True Love Goes Green Let’s show some love for our planet and make this Valentine’s Day green!  We’ve got some ideas that will keep the romance alive and the energy waste minimal.  From buying that box of chocolates to planning the day, here are some tips for every couple. To save the planet and money,…

Over 100 pledged to Get Outdoors in 2014

  Over 100 pledged to Get Outdoors in 2014 through our annual New Year’s Resolution Program, and Bluegrass Greensource would like to congratulate Joshua Saxton for winning the $100 gift card from Kentucky State Parks! We would like to thank the following people who agreed to publically commit to  Get Outdoors in 2014 — Stephanie…

True Love Goes Green

True Love Goes Green Let’s show some love for our planet and make this Valentine’s Day green! We’ve got some ideas that will keep the romance alive and the energy waste minimal.  From buying that box of chocolates to planning the day,  here are some tips for every couple. To save the planet and money,…

16th District Science Fair

Robots, Raptors and Race Cars, Oh My! What do robots, raptors, and race cars have in common?  These were just a few of the hands-on activities available to students at the 30th annual 16th District Science Fair. While the 690 participating students were waiting for the judging and the awarding portions of the fair, they were treated…

Boyle, Clark and Madison Counties Become WasteBusters!

Boyle, Clark and Madison Counties Become WasteBusters! Thanks to a generous grant from the Walmart Foundation, Bluegrass Greensource will be able to expand our successful WasteBuster Program to schools in Boyle, Clark and Madison Counties.   The goal of this program will be to increase school wide recycling, improve learning and save the school systems money.  …

Septic System Grants

Septic System Woes? Did you know that a failing septic system can require expensive repairs, pose a serious health risk to your family and neighbors, and have negative impacts on water quality?  Bluegrass Greensource awarded five Garrard County homeowners cost-share grants to repair or install septic systems at their homes.  Each grant will pay 80%…

Septic Workshop

Going Green Can Save You Green The Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government with Bluegrass Greensource will be hosting the 5th annual Go Green, Save Green Workshop on March 20, 2014 from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM at the BCTC Newtown Campus at 500 Newtown Pike. This one-day workshop will provide you with the know-how to make…

Staying active outdoors this winter is challenging but worth the effort

Winter has always posed a challenge to staying active outdoors, and this winter is particularly so with all the snow, ice and frigid temperatures we’ve had. But meeting that challenge head on is well worth the effort. Research has shown that the more often we find ourselves outdoors and enjoying nature, the happier we tend…

We spent day ‘unplugged’ as part of a resolution to get outdoors more

For those of you who joined Bluegrass Greensource in including getting outdoors more among your 2014 resolutions, I hope it’s one you’re actually going to keep. Beyond the obvious benefits of getting fresh air, vitamin-D enriched sunshine and exercise, being around nature can boost energy levels and relieve stress. It also can remind us how…

Kentucky-grown vegetables can be ‘what’s for dinner’ even in middle of winter

It’s January, and I had Kentucky-grown tomatoes this week for dinner. (Photo from University of Wisconsin) How, you might ask? It’s obvious, given the recent polar vortex, 1 to 3 inches of snow and short winter days, that this tomato was not grown anywhere in our state recently. However, during the long, cold, winter months…

January Newsletter

Competition “Can” Increase Recycling  Public and private school students in Fayette County collected more than 146,000 aluminum cans for recycling during this year’s Recycle-Bowl. In terms of weight, students collected 4,180 pounds of aluminum beverage cans for the contest. The competition challenged schools in Fayette County to collect and recycle as many aluminum beverage cans…

Competition "Can" Increase Recycling

Public and private school students in Fayette County collected more than 146,000 aluminum cans for recycling during this year’s Recycle-Bowl. In terms of weight, students collected 4,180 pounds of aluminum beverage cans for the contest. The competition challenged schools in Fayette County to collect and recycle as many aluminum beverage cans as possible from October…

Bluegrass Greensource Brings STEM Education to Schools

Too often students struggle to see ‘real world’ applications of Science, Technology, Energy, and Math (STEM) but through Bluegrass Greensource’s hands on activities in area classrooms, students are able to understand and relate.  Our classroom activities encourage students to explore, question, analyze, and even create products used in their everyday lives. Thanks to a grant funded…

Talking About Green Jobs to Area Students

Over 300 students from Danville City Schools attended the Bate Middle School College and Career Fair on December 19th and learned about green careers.  Bluegrass Greensource partnered with Bate Middle School and the Danville Career Pathways Coach to educate students about their college and career opportunities.  In addition to learning about different colleges and military…

Ashley Bryant Cheney Joins Our Team

Bluegrass Greensource would like to welcome Ashley Bryant Cheney as our new Green Jobs Coordinator through Americorps VISTA.  Ashley grew up in rural Alabama and credits her rural upbringing and time spent on her grandparent’s farm with influencing her concerns for the environment. She moved to Knoxville, Tennessee to attend Carson-Newman University in 2004.  While in…

Local Apartment: New Look, New Outlook for Recycling

Many things are new at 100 Chevy Chase Apartment Homes- a new name, management, look, and now the shift to become a “greener” home for its residents. Located at 100 Lakeshore Drive the apartment homes just off Richmond Road are visibly different due to new paint and the placement of many blue Rosie recycling containers.…

Become a Bluegrass Greensource Ambassador

Bluegrass Greensource Ambassadors serve as representatives of Greensource at assigned outreach and education events.  These may include community fairs and festivals, neighborhood events, farmers markets, watershed festivals, etc.  We are focusing on two main areas at this time: Zero Waste team members to assist at outreach events.  This may include coordinating with event planners and/or…

It pays – literally – to ‘go green’ as you consider career options now, in future

When I was in high school in rural Alabama, I thought that I knew what I wanted to do with my life. I had everything figured out. I was going to go to college, major in nutrition, go to medical school and become a doctor. Upon arriving at college, I was bombarded by new career…

December Newsletter

‘Tis the Season to Give Remember when a toy required no batteries and did not include a screen? Albert Einstein said “Joy in looking and comprehending is nature’s most beautiful gift.”  This holiday season, you could give that gift to classrooms of children right here in Central Kentucky through a donation to Bluegrass Greensource. Our…

In this season of giving, let’s try not presenting the planet with more waste

‘Tis the season for a lot of waste. Ok, I don’t want to be a Scrooge, but it is also the season of giving and that giving often generates waste. Although one of the best feelings in the world is giving a gift which is lovingly received, that feeling often accompanies an unintended byproduct. According…

Garrard County Joins Us for Septic Workshop

Homeowners attended a free workshop about septic system care and maintenance, hosted by Bluegrass Greensource in partnership with the Garrard County Health Department on November 5th.  The workshop, held at Maywoods Environmental and Educational Laboratory, gave local residents an opportunity to learn about how the septic systems in their homes work, how to take care…

Green Infrastructure Conference Wrap Up

Through several special educational sessions and field outings in connection with board meetings, WWKY and representatives of NRDC met with officials from Northern Kentucky, Louisville MSD, Lexington LFUCG, Bowling Green, and Owensboro.  As a result of those discussions, WWKY contracted to draft and produce the Kentucky Green Infrastructure Action Plan for Stormwater and Wet Weather…

Green Jobs for a Green Future

Bluegrass Greensource is starting a new program to promote green jobs to low-income high school students in the Bluegrass region! Green jobs are growing faster than the national average for jobs in non-green sectors, and this growth is expected to accelerate in the coming years.  The goal of this new program is to improve the…

Tis the Season to GIVE

By Lisa Conley Remember when a toy required no batteries and did not include a screen? Albert Einstein said “Joy in looking and comprehending is nature’s most beautiful gift.”  This holiday season, you could give that gift to classrooms of children right here in Central Kentucky through a donation to Bluegrass Greensource. Our educators work…

Coal as Energy Tour gives local educators look inside flipping the light switch

A group of educators tour TECO Coal in Hazard on the Coal as Energy Tour. I was fortunate enough to go on a Bluegrass Greensource Coal as Energy Tour, recently, with educators from the Bluegrass Region. The tour is intended to broaden teacher’s knowledge of potential energy sources and provide a balanced and fair view…

10 Tips for a Green Christmas

Commit to making the holidays more environmentally friendly. Here are some ideas to help you start: Decorate your house with LED lights and you can use almost 90% less energy. It saves you money on your electric bill and helps the environment. Don’t overdo it! It’s the light that shines in our hearts that matters…

Want to help others be more earth-friendly? Join the Zero Waste Team

As winter approaches, many of us look for ways to contribute to our communities. Whether we serve food at a shelter, donate to our favorite nonprofit, or give time to our community, this time of year has traditionally been one of volunteerism and giving. My own family has seen the rich rewards that come from…

November Newsletter

Bluegrass Tomorrow Presents Greensource with Vision Award for Green/Sustainability Posted Monday, November 4, 2013 on The annual Bluegrass Tomorrow’s Vision Awards Breakfast included more than sticky buns on the menu. Awards were presented to Don Robinson, Ed Burtner, the Kentucky River Thorobred, Knox van Nagell, Bluegrass Greensource, Judy Clabes, the National Park Service’s Rivers…

Winter’s return reminds us that being energy efficient is as important as ever

We had snow this week! In November! OK, maybe it wasn’t much snow, but any snow in November is special. As a result of that touch of snow, accompanied by super cold temperatures, I am especially enjoying cuddling under blankets by the fire. The problem is, it’s much earlier this year than last, and I…

Rain Garden Workshops Uncover Lots of Interest

As the weather gets cooler, rain gardens are starting to die back above ground. Yet under the ground, the roots are still very much alive, absorbing water and nutrients to help the plants survive the long winter ahead. Now we can sit back and dream of our rain gardens that will grow next spring and…

Energy Tour Energizes Teachers

“One of the best, educational, thought provoking tours I have taken in 25 years of teaching,” said one teacher after having participated in Bluegrass Greensource’s fourth annual energy tour, sponsored by the Kentucky Department for Energy Development and Independence. Teachers from Central Kentucky joined BGGS for two days of touring sites related to renewable and…

Greensource Grants Make a Difference in Central Kentucky

Over the past three years, dozens of local governments, nonprofit organizations, and schools in Central Kentucky have implemented environmental education and improvement projects with the help of Bluegrass Greensource’s mini-grant program. Through a partnership with the Appalachian Regional Commission, Greensource was able to offer this grant program to seven counties in its service region –…

Students Make an Impact in Franklin County

Fourth grade students in Frankfort and Franklin County have been making a big impact in their environment.  As part of a project with Bluegrass Greensource and the Franklin County Solid Waste Administrator, students in seven city and county schools have had the opportunity to learn about litter in their classroom, and then applied that to…

Bluegrass Tomorrow Presents Greensource with Vision Award for Green/Sustainability

Posted Monday, November 4, 2013 on The annual Bluegrass Tomorrow’s Vision Awards Breakfast included more than sticky buns on the menu. Awards were presented to Don Robinson, Ed Burtner, the Kentucky River Thorobred, Knox van Nagell, Bluegrass Greensource, Judy Clabes, the National Park Service’s Rivers Trails Conservation Assistance Program, Kyle Lake and Rebecca Barnes.…

Fall farmers markets still have a lot to offer – including chance to buy locally

I live in south Frankfort, a couple of blocks from the state Capitol building. One of my favorite things about my neighborhood is how accessible everything is. On a typical spring or summer Saturday morning, I walk or ride my bike to the Frankfort Farmers Market, then visit my favorite local thrift shop, and sometimes…

A World Series win this year matters less than a ‘green’ ballpark victory

Dodger Stadium in 2011 (Photo from Wikimedia Commons) The Dodgers did not win the World Series this year. I am sure that is not new to you if you pay any attention to sports news, but to me it is the only significant part of baseball since they lost in the post season. However, while…

To help endangered monarch butterfly, plant milkweed, create ‘waystations’

This season I enjoyed a plethora of butterflies in my yard and garden, mostly the beautiful tiger and eastern black swallowtails. The feeling seemed to be reciprocated, as they drank the nectar from my flowers and their larvae (caterpillars) chomped down on my dill and parsley. But one species was conspicuously absent – there were…

Nature – not pop culture – is top of mind in this children’s reading list

I am a self-proclaimed nerdy mom. Maybe not the glasses-and-pocket-protectors-type nerd (I just had LASIK!), but definitely the looking-under-rocks-to-see-what-fun-bugs-we-can-find kind. One of my favorite PBS Kids shows is Wild Kratts about all of the special powers various animals have and how those powers can defeat the bad guys. Somehow, however, my oldest daughter has become…

When it comes to taking care of the environment, every little bit helps

Before working at Bluegrass Greensource, I truly felt I was doing my part in reducing my carbon footprint and I encouraged my family to do the same. We recycled our paper, glass and cans every week. We used our reusable grocery bags — as much as we could actually remember to bring them into the…

Mark your calendar: Lexington Green Breakfast is November 6th

The 43rd Annual Green Breakfast, Lexington’s longest running environmental awareness event, will be held on Wednesday, November 6th from 7:30 am at the E.S. Good Barn on the UK campus. Help celebrate Lexington’s unique heritage and bright future by honoring those who have fostered conservation, sustainability and awareness over the past year. Enjoy a delicious,…

October Newsletter

Rain Garden Workshop Coming to Bourbon County on Saturday Bluegrass Greensource is hosting the last rain garden workshop for the fall on October 19th at the Bourbon County Library in Paris. The workshop is free and open to the public, thanks to the generous support of a grant from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency under…

Wanted: Educators to Check Out our Buckets!

Bluegrass Greensource has a vast library of buckets available for check out through our office. Perhaps you want to teach about animals, camouflage and nocturnal vs. diurnal. Our Animal Pelts bucket would be perfect for that! That bucket includes native animal pelts from central Kentucky, such as beavers, white-tailed deer, and grey squirrels. Another popular…

Creating Educational Opportunities for the Dupree Nature Preserve

It is not every day one gets to be part of a project with the potential to impact generations. In collaboration with The Nature Conservancy of Lexington, Bluegrass Greensource was invited to create educational programming for the region’s newest nature preserve. The Dupree Nature Preserve in Garrard County opened to the public on October 5,…

Having a Zero Waste Event Just Got Easier

Are you planning an event and would like to reduce waste? Bluegrass Greensource can help! We now have a Zero Waste Guide that can help you reduce waste each step of the way, from recycling to composting.  In addition, if you are in Fayette County, you can check out “dual stream” waste containers to place…

Bringing Water Conservation Education to Local Businesses

For the past two months, Kentucky American Water has been partnering with Bluegrass Greensource on water conservation and quality presentations throughout Bourbon, Clark, Owen, Scott, and Woodford counties. The presentations highlighted different ways people can conserve water at work, at home and in their yard. Did you know the average dishwasher uses 40-55 gallons of…

Septic System Care Workshop Coming Soon

Did you know that a failing septic system can require expensive repairs, pose a health risk to your family, and have negative impacts on water quality? Bluegrass Greensource is hosting a free septic system care workshop on Tuesday, November 5th from 6 – 7 PM at Maywoods Environmental and Educational Laboratory near Crab Orchard, KY.…


Bluegrass Greensource is hosting the last rain garden workshop for the fall on October 19th at the Bourbon County Library in Paris.  The workshop is free and open to the public, thanks to the generous support of a grant from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency under §319(h) of the Clean Water Act.   If you are…

Garrard County Joined Us for a Septic Care Workshop

Homeowners attended a free workshop about septic system care and maintenance, hosted by Bluegrass Greensource in partnership with the Garrard County Health Department on November 5th.  The workshop, held at Maywoods Environmental and Educational Laboratory, gave local residents an opportunity to learn about how the septic systems in their homes work, how to take care…

Advancing Green Infrastructure in Lexington

Green Infrastructure Workshop

Opportunities to learn about environment, how to take care of it, abound

A few weekends ago I was fortunate enough to attend the 37th annual Kentucky Association of Environmental Educators conference at the Lake Barkley Lodge down in the western part of the state. It was a fantastic time filled with educational workshops and set in a beautiful part of the state. (If you have never gotten…

Bluegrass Greensource Honored by KY Department of Environmental Protection

Lexington, KY – Bluegrass Greensource (formerly Bluegrass PRIDE) was presented with the Community Environmental Luminary Award for outstanding achievement in community-based environmental education and outreach by the Kentucky Department of Environmental Protection. The annual Environmental Excellence Award ceremony took place during the 37th Governor’s Conference on Energy & the Environment held at the Lexington Convention…

Ky. American Water, Greensource among winners of state environmental awards

The Kentucky Department for Environmental Protection honored the six recipients of its 2013 Environmental Excellence Awards during an awards luncheon at the Governor’s Conference on Energy and the Environment at the Lexington Convention Center in Lexington. Three are from Lexington, two from Louisville and one from Bowling Green. The recipients are:   KY EXCEL Champion…

Bluegrass Greensource Ambassador Program

Bluegrass Greensource Ambassador Program Do you have skills that aren’t being utilized?  Do you enjoy meeting new people?  Are you itching to share a craft?   Volunteering is an excellent way to utilize your skills, crafty or otherwise, while meeting new people! Why Volunteer? There are many benefits to volunteering with Bluegrass Greensource: Build your skills…

Upcoming workshops will teach homeowners about benefits of rain gardens

Bluegrass Greensource will host rain garden workshops this fall in Jessamine, Scott and Bourbon counties. Each workshop is free and open to the public, thanks to the generous support of a grant from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency under §319(h) of the Clean Water Act. Dates of the workshops are: Sept. 28 Springhouse Gardens, Nicholasville…

The Three R’s come in handy when decluttering your home, life

In the past 10 years I have lived in three apartments and two houses. With each move more unused items were packed away and place in a storage building until that elusive “someday when I have time” comes along. To further add to this mountain of boxes, I retired from the public school system in…

There are benefits to being a lazy grounds-keeper like animal food, time

I don’t know about you but this year’s oddly cool July had me thinking about autumn far earlier than I would’ve liked. Thoughts of autumn bring recognition of a changing landscape full of flowers past their prime, withering cucumber plants and other raggedy landscape items. This time of year is bittersweet – the warm sunny…

Bluegrass Greensource: New name, new chapter

Bluegrass PRIDE is now Bluegrass Greensource. We’ve updated our social media accounts, launched our new website, and got new business cards and email addresses. But now what? Amy Sohner, executive director of BG Greensource, took a moment to reflect on our accomplishments in the last 12 years and expressed her optimism for the future. “Since…

Summer Camp Fun

Summer time offers a perfect opportunity to get outside, go somewhere new and try something that you have never tried before. And what could be a better way for kids to do that than to head to a weeklong summer camp? Bluegrass Greensource has worked hard this summer to not only host our own summer…

Rain Barrel Reception has Rolled Out Until Next Year

Despite the wind and the rain, many people came out to Bluegrass Greensource’s Roll Out the Rain Barrel Reception on Friday, June 20th at the Fifth Third Bank Pavilion. An excited group of supporters were on site to view the wonderful artistic rain barrels, mingle with our featured local artists and vote on their favorite…

Salute to Malissa McAlister

Malissa McAlister’s term as chairman of the board for Bluegrass Greensource has come to a close, but she will continue to volunteer her time with us.  At the recent Rain Barrel Reception, Malissa reflected on how she first got involved. “I remember attending an informational meeting in Danville back in 2001,” she recalled.  “I felt…

July 2013 Newsletter

Bluegrass Greensource:  New name, new chapter Bluegrass PRIDE is now Bluegrass Greensource. We’ve updated our social media accounts, launched our new website, and got new business cards and email addresses. But now what? Amy Sohner, executive director of BG Greensource, took a moment to reflect on our accomplishments in the last 12 years and expressed…

Join Our Team

Bluegrass Greensource is seeking a full time VISTA Volunteer to manage a Green Jobs program for Title 1 High Schools in Central Kentucky.  A degree or previous experience in an environmental field is required.  A full job description can be found at   Email resume, letter of interest and contact information for three references to   Applications…

August 2013 Newsletter

2013 LiveGreenLexington Games Winners Congratulations to all our 2013 LiveGreenLexington Games Winners!  Winners were announced at our annual awards ceremony on August 1st at the West Sixth Brewery.  The Games’ Overall Winner goes to Good Foods Market and Café who also won the Waste Reduction Category and Water Stewardship Category.  Other winners include: Lexington Habitat…

Lisa Conley Joined Our Team

Greensource would like to welcome Lisa Conley as our new Outreach Specialists.  Lisa grew up in Daysboro, Kentucky and credits her rural upbringing in eastern Kentucky with influencing her concerns for the environment. She states, “I love the fact I grew up in a region so full of natural beauty. I was always outside playing…

2013 LiveGreenLexington Games Winners

2013 LiveGreenLexington Games Winners Congratulations to all our 2013 LiveGreenLexington Games Winners!  Winners were announced at our annual awards ceremony on August 1st at the West Sixth Brewery.  The Games’ Overall Winner goes to Good Foods Market and Café who also won the Waste Reduction Category and Water Stewardship Category.  Other winners include: Lexington Habitat ReStore: Small Business Winner Cardinal…

Rain Garden Tour

The 7th Annual Rain Garden Tour, presented by Fayette County Public Schools and Bluegrass Greensource, is on Sunday, September 22nd.  Six area rain gardens and their native plants will be showcased in the tour from 2:00 – 5:00 P.M. One of the stops is the Locust Trace Agriscience Farm where you can tour their net zero…

Popular Energy Tour is Back

Calling all Central Kentucky Teachers who are interested in learning and teaching about Kentucky’s energy sources!  Our popular Energy Tour is coming soon and we want you to join us on October 24-25th.  But space is limited so teachers must sign up as soon as you can. Thanks to funding provided by the Department of…

Explorations in Water

  Our Water Quality Workshop for Teachers is coming September 18th.  The workshop is designed to help teachers understand how water quality and water conservation can be taught in a variety of ways and across disciplines. Water resources are of major environmental, social and economic value.  We rely of water for our health, ecosystem, farming,…

ReStore Paint Recycling

Whether it’s a fall clean-up or a complete remodel, you might find yourself with gallons of extra paint.  Luckily, Lexington’s own ReStore offers a novel paint recycling program as an alternative to the landfill or an overstuffed garage. The only program of its kind in Lexington, ReStore’s paint recycling program is in its 188th batch; meaning…

Bluegrass Greensource’s annual artistic rain barrel contest crowns three barrel winners

Bluegrass Greensource has crowned three winners for their annual artistic rain barrel contest. Online winner “When Roosters Cry” (Photo from BG) Stephen Wiggins won “fan favorite” for the online vote competition for his barrel called “When Roosters Cry.” This is Wiggins’ third consecutive year to win the online vote. During a reception and silent auction…

Weather has a way of wreaking havoc with even the best-laid summer plans

I don’t know about you, but it seems like my summer is passing too quickly and not gone as planned. My wife and two sons planned on spending about a week at Cave Run Lake – our favorite place to camp, fish and do what you do on vacation. We were hoping for a peaceful…

Pet rocks aside, there is plenty in the natural world to bring out our creativity

I always thought my grandma invented pet rocks. First of all, my Grandma Barry (both my grandmothers were named Mary, so I differentiated them by using their last names) was one of the most crafty, talented, creative people I have ever known. She made all of her own clothes, painted all of the pictures in…

Bluegrass Greensource in TOPS in LEX magazine!

TOPS in Lexington talks about rain barrels in their latest issue features Bluegrass Greensource. Click here for the article! TOPS 2013

Seven Appalachian counties use mini-grants to think as green as some cities

When we think of sustainability in U.S. cities, we usually think first of innovative metropolitan areas like Portland and Chicago. Locally, we often look to Lexington and Louisville for exemplary green initiatives. Sometimes it can seem like larger cities are the only ones taking steps to reduce their environmental impact, but smaller cities and towns…

When it rains, it pours … carrying everything with it into our streams

If you are reading this, you have obviously survived the Fourth of July deluge. As you probably know, we received the same amount of rain in a few days that we usually do in the whole month of July. This, of course, ruined many Independence Day barbecues and rained on our beloved parade and downtown…

New name, new look, but same mission – to teach and encourage green living

Bluegrass PRIDE is now Bluegrass Greensource. We’ve updated our social media accounts, launched our new website and got new business cards and email addresses. But now what? Amy Sohner, executive director of Bluegrass Greensource, took a moment to reflect on our accomplishments in the last 12 years and expressed her desires for the future. “Since…

What’s in our new name? A lot! Bluegrass PRIDE now Bluegrass Greensource

I know one of those people who did not know she was pregnant until she gave birth to a full-term, healthy little girl. The thing that horrified me most when I found out was not how difficult it was going to be for her and her husband to prepare to be parents (i.e., arranging day…

Move toward zero waste means changing the way we look at waste

Lately, there’s been a lot of discussion about the possibility of making Lexington a zero-waste city. But what does that mean? Are we talking about never throwing anything away? Recycling every ounce of material that we use? Actually, it means neither. Instead, zero waste is the idea of significantly reducing the amount of waste produced…

Outdoor spaces offer opportunities for fun and learning alike

As the Kentucky summer starts to ramp up, I enjoy spending more and more time outside. Being someone who struggles with the gloom and gray of winter, the changing seasons and warm temperatures mean more time spent out in the sun, enjoying all that the outdoors have to offer. That said, as an apartment dweller,…

Having a ‘green’ green lawn is possible when grass is healthy and happy

It is almost mid-June and I have not touched my lawn. What I mean is that I have not paid one bit of attention to making it lush and soft and green. Not “green” like environmentally responsible, but “green” like the color. This is not abnormal for me. I do not mow, I do not…

Rain Barrel Workshop

Rain Garden workshops to come
